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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






For improvements of issues behind food safety regulations implemented following the Fukushima nuclear accident

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The great quake and a subsequent tsunami seriously damaged the Fukushima nuclear power plants on 11 March 2011, followed by radionuclide releases outside the crippled reactors. Regulatory limits stipulated as provisional regulation values were set to minimize internal exposure via ingestion of contaminated food and drink. Tap water, raw milk, vegetables, seafood and tea exceeded the limit, and distribution and/or consumption of these stuffs were temporality restricted. It took 7 and 11 days to set the provisional regulation values and to order the first restriction after the declaration of nuclear emergency situations, respectively. All restrictions began within 25 days after the first excess in each item, but the commencement of restrictions was concomitant with the social dislocations. All restrictions for tap water were withdrawn within 51 days, but restrictions for food have yet to be lifted. Among all items, maximum levels were detected in leafy vegetables (54,100 Bq/kg of 131I, 82,000 Bq/kg of 134Cs and 137Cs). Most provisional regulation values were adopted from the preexisting index values. Index values were logically designed and practically convenient. However, food and radionuclides were not comprehensively covered, and the same value was given to emergency and existing exposure situations. Also, different provisional regulation values were set for infants and others. In this respect, we here propose the concept of the graded triphasic reference level system to optimize food safety regulations in early, intermediate and late phases following the accident, where each example phase-specific reference level value is provided. This paper focuses on the logic and issues behind such food safety regulations. The food monitoring data of 24,685 samples and the enforced restrictions shall also be outlined predicated on the information available as of 12 June 2011.







浜田 信行

原子力技術研究所 放射線安全研究センター

荻野 晴之

原子力技術研究所 放射線安全研究センター


福島原子力発電所事故 Fukushima nuclear accident
食品安全規制 Food safety regulation
緊急時被ばく状況 Emergency exposure situation
現存被ばく状況 Existing exposure situation
段階的参考レベル Graded triphasic reference level system
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry