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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Estimation of seed oil yields of Chinese tallow tree in Japan

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

国内5ヶ所の調査地を選定し、ナンキンハゼの果実量・種子量・油脂収率を3ヶ年にわたって調査し、生育地における油脂生産量を評価した。ナンキンハゼ1個体あたり油脂生産量は0.009-3.7kg/年の範囲にあった。また、胸高直径と油脂生産量との間に正の比例関係が認められた。植栽した場合の30年生までの単位面積あたりの油脂生産量を算出したところ、ナンキンハゼの油脂生産量は21年生で400 kg/ha/年を越え、シナアブラギリの生産量を上回った。ナンキンハゼはその後も生産量が増加し、30年生で600kg/ha/年以上に達した。樹齢30年生までの積算油脂生産量を比較すると、ナンキンハゼが7,940kg/haであったのに対し、シナアブラギリは8,680kg/haと推定され、両者の油脂生産性はほぼ同程度であることが明らかとなった。

概要 (英文)

Field survey on the annual oil productions from the seeds of Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera (L.) Small) was carried out for three years from 2009 to 2011 at five sites (Chiba, Shinagawa, Shinjuku, Nara and Nagasaki). The total numbers of fruits produced and the average numbers of seeds per fruit were measured on the basis of individual tree in the field at each season of the year. The average weights per seed and the average oil contents of seed were measured from the seed sample collected at each site in the first year. The annual oil yields per tree were calculated by multiplying the total weight of the seeds by the oil content. The seeds contained 30% oil on the basis of air-dried weight. The tree ages were determined by the yearly shoot elongation.
Chinese tallow tree began bearing fruits at 5-year old of tree age. In the first year, the oil yields per tree of Chinese tallow tree ranged 0.1-2.3 kg in Chiba, 1.0-3.7 kg in Shinagawa, 1.0-3.0 kg in Shinjuku, 0.009-0.013 kg in Nara and 1.6-3.0 kg in Nagasaki. The highest yields were found in Shinagawa. As compared with the yields in the first year, those in the second and third year were lowered in Shinjuku. Significant positive correlations were found on Chinese tallow tree between the tree age or the diameter at breast height (DBH) in Chiba, Shinagawa or Shinjuku and the oil yield per tree.
The oil yields per hectare were calculated using the fitted logistic equations of the oil yield per tree against DBH, those of DBH against the tree age, and the planting density (105 trees/ha for Chinese tallow tree). The oil yield could be reached at 200, 400 and 600 kg/ha/year at 16-year, 21-year and 27-year old respectively on Chinese tallow tree, while saturated over 15-year old Chinese tung-oil tree (Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw) at 400 kg/ha/year. The oil yields from 5-year old (the age at the beginning of bearg fruits) to 30-year old added up to 7,940 kg/ha for Chinese tallow tree and 8,680 kg/ha for tung-oil tree. These results indicate the productivity for the seed oil up to 30-year old of Chinese tallow tree is about the same as that of Chinese tung-oil tree.







松村 秀幸

環境科学研究所 生物環境領域

吉原 利一

環境科学研究所 バイオテクノロジー領域


ナンキンハゼ Chinese tallow tree
油料植物 oil plant
種子生産 seed production
油脂収量 oil yield
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry