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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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発電技術に対する社会的受容性の現状と課題 -CCSと地熱発電を事例とした意識調査-


Public Acceptance of Power Generation Technologies - In the Case of CCS and Geothermal Power Generation -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

低炭素エネルギー技術(CCSや再生可能エネルギー(RE))の技術導入の際は社会的受容性や理解向上が必須であるが、CCSと地熱発電は受容性に関連した国内知見が極めて少なく、地下利用に関する利害調整が重要課題となっている。そこで、市民意識調査を実施し(2/26-3/4/2013, N=8,003)、人々の認識の現状把握から的確な情報提供に資する方策を明らかにした。
1) CCSの認知度は極めて低かった。居住地域の電力会社における電源構成の現状認識を調査した結果、火力の発電量割合を過小評価、原子力・REを過大評価しており、震災前調査と同じ傾向を示した。火力の今後の導入意向は判断つかない人が多かった。
2) 地熱発電の認知度は64.2%であった。今後の導入意向は、温泉・自然観察を好む人や、安定的に電気を供給する技術と認識している人の方が、そうでない人よりも高かった。

概要 (英文)

The objective of this study was to analyze the recognition of current electricity generation mix and public attitudes of major power generation technology, and public acceptance of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and geothermal power generation that the issue does need to be addressed. These technologies play an important role as mitigation option in climate change policy. An internet questionnaire survey was conducted with 8,003 respondents from February to March 2013. Results showed that: 1) respondents' acceptance level of fossil fuel and nuclear power, which are the major sources of energy supply in Japan, were relatively low. They tended to overestimate the share of electricity from nuclear power and RE while underestimate the share of that from fossil fuels. So they did not know much about the current electricity generation mix. These results suggest that it is essential to enhance information sharing about the present condition of electricity generation mix and each technological characteristic to facilitate the decision-making of energy policy in Japan. 2) Their knowledge and image about CCS technology were extremely low and their approval for introduction of fossil fuel energy was low from the beginning. It is important that to improve their understanding of fossil fuel and CCS. 3) Respondents who recognized geothermal energy, the technological characteristic, and were favorable about hot spring were higher the approval for the introduction of geothermal power generation than who didn't. Our results regarding acceptance of CCS and geothermal power generation show that respondents require comprehensible information about potential risks, and how to manage these risks into the future, in order to accept the power technologies.







窪田 ひろみ

環境科学研究所 環境化学領域


低炭素エネルギー技術 Low carbon energy technology
二酸化炭素回収・貯留 Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS)
地熱発電 Geothermal power generation
質問紙調査 Questionnaire survey
電源構成 Energy Generation mix
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry