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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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企業対応サービスが顧客満足度と電力会社選択に及ぼす影響 -米国日系企業を対象とした実証分析-


Impacts of Business Customer Services on Electric Power Supplier Choice and Customer Satisfaction

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Electricity retailing in Japan was partially liberalized late in March 2000. In a competitive environment, it has become more important for electric utilities to evaluate the impacts of deregulation on their management. The trend toward deregulation seen in the electric utility industry is a worldwide phenomenon. In the US, electricity retailing has been liberalized in some states and it will be worth while to evaluate the results of the deregulation. In this paper, we surveyed various business customer services of electric utility including customer switching and satisfaction based on a questionnaire to Japanese companies in the US. According to this survey, we firstly confirmed that business customers attached great importance to the call center, discount rate of electricity price, and disclosure of black-out or accident information, etc. Secondly, we have taken up 4 management factors such as 1) price, 2) quality of electric power, 3) business customer services, and 4) financial stability/risk for customer switching. We put forward analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to measure these weights as above. It was recognized that the business customers chose power suppliers in the view of not only price but also quality of electric power and business customer services while electric power companies concentrated their attention on the price. Thirdly, using path analysis, it was made clear that some business customer services like the call center, account manager or customer service guarantee had significant effects on over all electric supplier satisfaction. Consequently, we should take a lot of marketing factors into consideration when we discuss deregulation from management aspects in the long term.







蟻生 俊夫



電気事業 Electric Utility
規制緩和 Deregulation
マーケティング Marketing
顧客サービス Customer Services
顧客満足度 Customer Satisfaction
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry