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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




米国卸電力市場における市場支配力の経済分析 -理論的基礎と実証研究および政策オプションの展望-


A Review of Economic Analyses of Market Power in U.S. Electricity Wholesale Market-Theoretical Foundation, Empirical Evidences and Policy Options

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

This paper is a survey of the recent economic analyses of market power issues in U.S. electricity wholesale markets. After a brief overview of the development of electricity wholesale markets in the U.S., we discuss theoretical foundation of market power in an imperfectly competitive market and explain the potential vulnerability of electricity market to the exercise of market power. Then, we review the recent empirical studies on market power in U.S. regional wholesale market, including California, PJM (Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland), New England and New York. Many studies found some empirical evidences of generators’ exercise of market power in California market since its operation. These studies claim that market prices were higher than their estimated marginal cost and their capacities were strategically withheld in order to raise the market price. There are criticisms, however, against these studies insisting that these findings may be explained by factors other than market power. For three other regional markets in Northeast area of U.S., there are also some empirical analyses to point out potential exercise of market power, but most of them are preliminary at this point, partly due to the lack of enough data. Finally, we discussed several policy options to mitigate the exercise of market power in electricity market. U.S. economists tend to insist to expand transmission capacity and increase demand responsiveness to wholesale prices by introducing real time pricing. These ideas reflect needs for an infrastructure to support competitive electricity market.







服部 徹



市場支配力 Market Power
卸電力市場 Wholesale Electricity Market
電力自由化 Liberalization of Electricity Industry
電力取引市場 Power (Exchange) Market
米国 United States
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry