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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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家庭用エネルギー機器の技術選択分析 -ヒートポンプ給湯機、コージェネレーションの中期普及シナリオ-


Development of a Technology Choice Model for Energy Systems in the Residential Sector ―Midterm Outlook for the Market Diffusion of Heat Pump Water Heater and Co-generation Systems―

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

This paper presents the mid-term prospects of the share of household energy appliances and of the energy consumption of the residential sector in Japan. In recent years new household energy appliances have been introduced into the market successively. Some of the noteworthy technologies are: the electric CO2 heat pump (HP) water heater that supplies hot water with high coefficient of performance of more than 4, and the fuel cell powered or the micro gas engine powered co-generation (CGS) systems that supply electricity and heat simultaneously. Japanese government has set ambitious goals to introduce 5.2 million units of HP water heaters and 1.2 million units of fuel cells for the residential sector by 2010, when the total number of households is estimated to be around 50 million. In order to evaluate the possible effects these technology developments might have on energy consumption, we developed an analytical model to describe the diffusion process of various energy appliances. Assumed technology options include conventional appliances, and their market potentials are mutually dependent on each other. Moreover, having considered the regional and household differences in the energy demand and in the current situation of energy use, we applied an optimal model to estimate the time at which the market penetration will be triggered by customers’ economic choice. The result of BAU (business as usual) case shows that the amount of new technologies installed by 2020 will be: HP water heaters of 12.1 million units, and CGSs of 0.5 million units including fuel cells of 0.2 million units. These changes result in that the primary energy consumption will be relatively lower by 4.6% compared to the case where only the conventional technologies are available. Although the targets in 2010 will not be achieved in BAU case, the sensitivity analyses show that the accelerated energy efficiency improvement and cost reduction of HP water heaters and fuel cell powered CGSs will promote further introduction and thereby reduce 5.7%, 6.7% respectively of the primary energy supply in the residential sector in 2020 compared to the case without market diffusion of new appliances.







西尾 健一郎


浅野 浩志


今村 栄一



自然冷媒ヒートポンプ給湯機 CO2 heat pump water heater
燃料電池 Fuel cells
コージェネレーションシステム Co-generation system
家庭部門 Residential sector
普及分析モデル Diffusion model
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry