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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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イギリスの全面自由化後の低所得者向け電気料金 ~2008 年-2011 年の「社会福祉料金」の経験~


The Electricity Market Liberalisation and the Discounted Electricity Rate for Low Income Households: The U.K. Experience of Social Tariffs in 2008-2011

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Japan will be considering whether or not to liberalise the retail energy markets. After the liberalisation, arguments for the introduction of social tariffs, i.e. the discounted gas and electricity tariffs for socially vulnerable consumers such as households with low income, are likely to arise. This report surveyed the current status of fuel poverty in the UK, and gas and electricity social tariffs offered by gas and electric utilities. Our major findings are as follows.
1) The fuel poverty in the UK has three major causes, i.e. the low income of households, energy inefficiency of their homes and heating appliances, and the increasing gas and electricity bills, first and second of which are fundamental root causes.
2) Social tariffs are offered by "big 6" energy utilities, through the political request by the government. While consumer groups and advocates support the introduction of mandatory social tariff by legislation, energy utilities and economists strongly oppose the idea.
3) Social tariffs have some shortcomings as a solution to fuel poverty. First, the target of such tariffs may not be a household in fuel poverty, and not all fuel poor households are the targets of such tariffs. Second, the effect of social tariffs is only temporary and does not last for future years, and thus, support for energy efficiency measures are more cost-efficient. Third, if the costs of social tariff programmes are recovered through energy bills, the burden is going to be regressive, i.e., poor consumers also bear the cost. On the contrary, if they are compensated through general treasury, poor consumers do not pay that much. Forth, if social tariffs become mandatory to energy suppliers, it is incompatible with the liberalisation of retail energy markets.
Based on these findings, this report proposes that after liberalisation of household energy market, the support for the socially vulnerable consumers should be dealt with tax and welfare systems, and not by energy bills.







佐藤 佳邦

社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域


社会福祉料金 social tariffs
全面自由化 liberalisation of electricity market
エネルギー貧困(燃料貧困) energy poverty (fuel poverty)
イギリス The U.K.
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry