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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Legal Issues in Bundled Discounts of Electricity -The discussion of antitrust law in the United States-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

While many firms planning to enter the retail electricity market will bundle and discount electricity and other products, risk remains as to whether such bundled discounts could be construed as illegal predatory pricing or tying under the Anti-Monopoly Act (AMA). This report surveys the U.S. antitrust law precedents and discussions concerning bundled discounts, and proposes proper application of the AMA to bundled discount schemes in electric retail markets.
In the U.S., some considers bundled discounts are similar to predatory pricing, and proposes Discount Attribution Test (DAT) based on a Supreme Court precedent on predatory pricing. Those who regard bundles discounts as tying arrangements accept DAT as a safe harbor, but require additional proof that competition is hampered.
As to the application of the AMA, our suggestions are as follows. First, when the competitors can offer the same or similar bundled products, and thus "bundle-to-bundle" competition is reasonably possible, bundled discounts should be legal unless the price of the whole bundle is below cost. Second, judging from the Japan Fair Trade Commission's related guidelines and the comments of prominent law professors, bundled discounts may constitute illegal tying when the amount of discounts is so big that almost all consumers will choose bundled products. Third, though the draft Guidelines for proper electric power trade would evaluate bundled discounts as predatory pricing, condemning them as predatory pricing may risk false positives. This is because, while predatory pricing causes loss and is an unreasonable strategy without anticompetitive purpose, bundled discounts will be reasonable because its cash flow could be positive. Before enforcing the AMA to bundled discounts of electricity, we should well consider its procompetitive effects like the inducements of entries and the join cots savings, etc.







佐藤 佳邦

社会経済研究所 事業制度・経済分析領域


セット販売割引 Bundled Discounts
独占禁止法 The Anti-Monopoly Act
米国反トラスト法 The U.S. Antitrust Law
割引総額充当テスト Discount Attribution Test
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry