Development of Advanced Coal Combustion Technology

Development of Advanced Coal Combustion Technology

Among various fossil fuels, coal is abundant and widely reserved throughout the world; thus, it is one of the most important energy resources from the viewpoint of energy security. Pulverized coal fired power generation is the most commonly used technology among coal utilizing power stations in Japan. It is important to improve combustion technology to reduce environmental pollutants and to diversify fuel types in pulverized coal fired power stations.

In CRIEPI, the following are carried out.

The grindability and combustibility of not only coal but also other fuels, such as biomass, are evaluated using a coal combustion test facility with a single burner (coal combustion rate: 100 kg/h, Fig. 1) and that with three stage burners (coal combustion rate: 300 kg/h, Fig. 2). By analyzing the obtained results, we develop a method of estimating the grindability and combustibility of coal from its properties.)
The combustion technology for reducing unburned carbon concentration in fly ash with low NOx emission is developed on the basis of bituminous coal combustion (Fig. 3).
In Japanese coal fired power stations, bituminous coal is mainly utilized. From the viewporint of fuel security and cost, the coal combustion technology for low grade coals, such as sub-bituminous coal, low HGI bituminous coal and high fuel ratio bituminous coal, is being developed.
To improve coal combustion technology, the technologies of numerically simulating and measuring the combustion condition in flame using a laser are also investigated by applying a coal combustion field.
With regard to safe boiler operation, the technologies of evaluating the corrosion and ash deposition of a boiler tube are investigated.

Fig. 1 Coal Combustion Test Facility
(Single burner: 760kW)

Fig. 2 Coal Combustion Test Facility
(Multi burner (Three stage burners): 2.4MW)

Fig. 3 Advanced Coal Combustion Technology

Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry