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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of a Distribution Line Model for Lightning Surge Analysis Applicable to Steep Wavefront Currents

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

6.6 kV高圧架空配電線における雷事故の原因は,主に誘導雷と直撃雷に大別される。誘導雷については古くから様々な検討がなされ,その耐雷対策は一通り完成されたと言える。近年,配電線の耐雷対策の対象は直撃雷に移行してきており,EMTP(Electro-Magnetic Transients Program)を用いた雷サージ解析により,架空地線や避雷器の耐雷効果に関する検討等が行われている。配電線の直撃雷に関するこれまでの研究では,波頭長が数マイクロセカンドの緩やかな雷電流に対する検討が主であり,急峻な雷電流に対する検討はなされていなかった。一方,直撃雷により急峻な雷電流が配電線に流入した場合,雷電流が電柱を往復伝搬する0.1マイクロセカンド程度の短い時間領域において電柱の過渡応答による過電圧が発生し,停電を招くスパークオーバを生じる可能性が高くなる。より効果的な耐雷設計を確立していくためには,この短時間領域も含めて配電線の雷過電圧を正確に算定する必要がある。

概要 (英文)

Lightning-related overvoltages on overhead distribution lines can roughly be classified into the two types: overvoltages induced by a nearby lightning stroke and overvoltages due to a direct lightning stroke to the distribution line. Protection measures against the former type of overvoltages, which is commonly called lightning-induced overvoltages, have been taken and can be considered as almost completed. In Japan, the focus of lightning protection measures for distribution lines has moved to the latter type of overvoltages. Studies of direct lightning stroke countermeasures are generally carried out by digital simulations using the EMTP (Electro-Magnetic Transients Program). Thus, components of a distribution line must be modeled appropriately in the EMTP for accurate simulations.
The authors have previously clarified the surge response of a distribution line by pulse tests using a reduced-scale distribution line model. In this report, first, the results of the pulse tests are simulated in the EMTP using a conventional model which represents a distribution pole by a single lossless distributed-parameter line model, and comparisons with the test results show that transient overvoltages generated at the insulators cannot accurately be reproduced by the conventional model. This indicates that the conventional model cannot be used for lightning surge analysis especially for steep wavefront currents and a special treatment is required to represent the transient response of a distribution pole and wires. Secondly, this report proposes new EMTP models of the pole and wires which can reproduce the transient overvoltages at the insulators. The parameter values of the proposed models can be determined based on a pulse test result. Finally, pulse tests using an actual-scale test distribution line is simulated using the proposed models, and good agreement is found with the test results.







松浦 進

電力技術研究所 高電圧・電磁環境領域

野田 琢

電力技術研究所 高電圧・電磁環境領域

浅川 聡

電力技術研究所 高電圧・電磁環境領域

横山 茂



配電線 Distribution Lines
直撃雷 Direct Lightning Stroke
雷過電圧 Lightning Overvoltages
モデル化 Modeling
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry