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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




排水中の窒素除去に関する研究(その11) --発電所における様々な含窒素排水処理への窒素除去バイオリアクターの適用--


Development of biological wastewater treatment system for nitrogen removal Part 11. -Practical application of nitrogen-removal bioreactor to treatment of various types of wastewater in power plants

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Various types of wastewater occur in coal power plants, within the wastewater can be found nitrogen compounds, e.g., ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. The different types of wastewater include condensed polisher wastewater, wastewater of ammonia storage tank, and boiler start-up wastewater. The wastewater occurs at irregular intervals throughout the year. We confirmed that our nitrogen-removal bioreactor could successfully treat the irregularly occurring wastewater. We collected six kinds of wastewater from coal power plants, and analyzed about pH, EC (electric conductivity), nitrogen concentration, and so on. The six kinds of wastewater had entirely different characteristics, and they were different from those of wastewater occurring regularly in coal power plants. The effect of substances dissolved in the wastewater was observed by using Nitrosomonas europaea as an indicator of toxic substances in the wastewater. After all the wastewater was adjusted to pH of 7.5-8.0, N. europaea was incubated in the adjusted wastewater. The activity of N. europaea declined in all wastewater samples. The ammonia-oxidation rate in all the wastewater was half of that in artificial wastewater using a culture medium. However, the activity of N. europaea was recovered in wastewater diluted with the artificial wastewater. Twice dilution of the wastewater with the artificial wastewater raised the ammonia-oxidation rate of N. europaea remarkably. Further, we confirmed that a large-scale nitrogen-removal bioreactor could treat the wastewater occurring at irregular intervals in a coal power plant. After the wastewater was diluted by 1/3 with desulfurized wastewater that occurs regularly in coal power plants, the wastewater was treated by the bioreactor. Ammonia in the wastewater was removed by the bioreactor without accumulating nitrite and nitrate. The activity of the bioreactor in this study was similar to that in previous studies using artificial wastewater in a laboratory. Therefore, our bioreactor would be effective as a comprehensive system for nitrogen-removal in thermal power plants.







植本 弘明


森田 仁彦


渡邉 淳


斉藤 一郎

電源開発(株) 火力事業部

吉田 達紀

電源開発(株) 火力事業部


硝化 Nitrification
脱窒 Denitrification
固定化細菌 Immobilized bacteria
排水処理 Wastewater treatment
富栄養化 Eutrophication
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry