論文名 |
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Microbeam studies of soft X-ray induced bystander cell killing is studied using microbeam X-ray cell irradiation system at CRIEPI |
掲載年月 |
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2012/05 53(3) |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Journal of Radiation Research |
主発表者 |
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冨田 雅典 |
論文名 |
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Food safety regulations: what we learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident |
掲載年月 |
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2012年9月 111巻(号番号なし) |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Journal of Environmental Radioactivity |
主発表者 |
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浜田 信行 |
論文名 |
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Verification of Screening Level for Decontamination Implemented after Fukushima Nuclear Accident |
掲載年月 |
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2012年8月 Vol. 151, No. 1, pp. 36-42 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Radiation Protection Dosimetry |
主発表者 |
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荻野 晴之 |
論文名 |
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Modelling of Chemical Alteration of Cement Materials in Radioactive Waste Repository Environment |
掲載年月 |
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2012年4月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Municipal and Industrial Waste Disposal (ISBN: 978-953-51-0501-5) |
主発表者 |
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杉山 大輔 |
論文名 |
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Three-dimensional Phasic Velocity Determination Methods with Wire-Mesh Sensor |
掲載年月 |
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2012年11月1日 Volume 46 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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International Journal of Multiphase Flow |
主発表者 |
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金井 大造 |
論文名 |
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大口径円筒管内二相流における気泡サイズ毎の三次元気相速度計測 |
掲載年月 |
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2012年4月 第25巻第5号 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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混相流研究の進展 |
主発表者 |
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金井 大造 |
論文名 |
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Development of subchannel void sensor and two-phase flow measurement in 10x10 rod bundle |
掲載年月 |
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2012年12月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Int. J. Multiphase Flow |
主発表者 |
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新井 崇洋 |
論文名 |
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The Impact Assessment of Eccentric Installation and Roughness Change in Piping on the Orifice Flow Measurement |
発表等実施日 |
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20120625 |
大会会議名 |
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2012 International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '12). |
主発表者 |
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西 義久 |
論文名 |
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Three-dimensional BUBBLE-Velocity Determination algorithm with Wire-Mesh Sensor |
掲載年月 |
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2012年6月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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15th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 予稿集 |
発表等実施日 |
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20120626 |
大会会議名 |
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15th International Symposium on Flow Visualization |
主発表者 |
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金井 大造 |
論文名 |
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Cell-killing effect of low dose of high-LET heavy ions (IV) |
掲載年月 |
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2012年10月 Vol.45 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report |
主発表者 |
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冨田 雅典 |
論文名 |
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Validation of TRACE Code for Flashing-Induced Density Wave Oscillations in SIRIUS-N Facility, Which Simulates ESBWR |
掲載年月 |
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2012年7月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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ICONE20予稿集 |
発表等実施日 |
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20120801 |
大会会議名 |
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ICONE20:原子力工学国際会議(International Conference on Nuclear Engineering) |
主発表者 |
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古谷 正裕 |
論文名 |
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発表等実施日 |
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20120715 |
大会会議名 |
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2012 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference |
主発表者 |
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森田 良 |
論文名 |
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Radiological Protection from Radioactive Waste Management in Existing Exposure Situations Resulting from a Nuclear Accident |
掲載年月 |
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2013年1月 Vol.153, No.1 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Radiation Protection Dosimetry |
主発表者 |
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杉山 大輔 |
論文名 |
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Radiological Consideration Regarding Logistical Management of Radioactive Surface Contamination After Fukushima Nuclear Accident |
発表等実施日 |
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20120513 |
大会会議名 |
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The 13th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA13) |
主発表者 |
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荻野 晴之 |
論文名 |
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Key Issues on Radiological Protection from Radioactive Waste Management in Existing Exposure Situations |
発表等実施日 |
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20120518 |
大会会議名 |
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The 13th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA13) |
主発表者 |
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杉山 大輔 |
論文名 |
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Dose Response of Soft X-ray Induced Bystander Cell Killing Affected by p53 Status |
掲載年月 |
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2013/02 179 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Radiation Research |
主発表者 |
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冨田 雅典 |
論文名 |
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Evaluation of the radiation-induced turnover of intestinal stem cells |
発表等実施日 |
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20121001 |
大会会議名 |
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Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society |
主発表者 |
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大塚 健介 |
論文名 |
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Safety regulations of food and water implemented in the first year following the Fukushima nuclear accident |
掲載年月 |
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2012年9月 53巻5号 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Journal of Radiation Research |
主発表者 |
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浜田 信行 |
論文名 |
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Evaluation of Gas Release Behavior of Minor Actinide-Containing Metal Fuel |
発表等実施日 |
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20120624 |
大会会議名 |
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2012 ANS Annual Meeting: Embedded Topical Meeting: Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials |
主発表者 |
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太田 宏一 |
論文名 |
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Two-phase flow distribution and flow regime in a 10x10 rod bundle with a subchannel-void sensor |
掲載年月 |
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2012年9月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Proceedings of NUTHOS-9 |
発表等実施日 |
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20120910 |
大会会議名 |
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第9回原子力熱流動,運転と安全性国際会議(NUTHOS-9) |
主発表者 |
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新井 崇洋 |
論文名 |
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Evaluation of the radiation-induced turnover of intestinal stem cells |
発表等実施日 |
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20120919 |
大会会議名 |
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日本癌学会学術総会 |
主発表者 |
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大塚 健介 |
論文名 |
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【FIV2012】Experimental Evaluation of Acoustic Resonance at Single Stub Pipe in each Dry and Wet Steam Flow |
掲載年月 |
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2012年7月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration (& Flow-Induced Noise) |
発表等実施日 |
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20120705 |
大会会議名 |
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10th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration (& Flow-Induced Noise) |
主発表者 |
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内山 雄太 |
論文名 |
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Analysis of Bystander Cell Signaling Pathway Activated by Heavy Ion-Microbeam III |
掲載年月 |
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2013/01 JAEA-Review 2012-046 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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高崎量子応用研究所 研究年報 2011 |
主発表者 |
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冨田 雅典 |
論文名 |
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Food Safety Regulations Implemented Following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident |
発表等実施日 |
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20120516 |
大会会議名 |
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国際放射線防護学会(IRPA13) |
主発表者 |
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荻野 晴之 |
論文名 |
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原子力発電所に対する津波を起因とした確率論的リスク評価 -津波PRA評価手法の概要及びシステム解析- |
掲載年月 |
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2012年7月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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日本原子力学会誌 |
主発表者 |
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桐本 順広 |
論文名 |
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Electrochemical Measurement of Diffusion Coefficient of Actinides and Rare Earths in Liquid Cd |
発表等実施日 |
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20120905 |
大会会議名 |
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主発表者 |
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村上 毅 |
論文名 |
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リスクアセスメント推進支援策の提言 |
掲載年月 |
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未定 未定 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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ヒューマンファクターズ(日本プラント・ヒューマンファクター学会誌) |
主発表者 |
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長坂 彰彦 |
論文名 |
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二酸化炭素の電気還元触媒の開発 |
掲載年月 |
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2013年3月 B79-799 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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日本機械学会論文集 |
主発表者 |
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古谷 正裕 |
論文名 |
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Development of Transport Technologies for High-temperature Fluid in Pyrometallurgical Reprocessing |
発表等実施日 |
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20121018 |
大会会議名 |
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The 3rd Asian Nuclear Prospects (ANUP) |
主発表者 |
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土方 孝敏 |
論文名 |
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Comparison of fusion power control method considering grid operation |
発表等実施日 |
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20120927 |
大会会議名 |
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第27回核融合炉工学に関する国際会合 |
主発表者 |
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日渡 良爾 |
論文名 |
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Development of three-dimensional two-phase flow measurement sensors and gas-liquid two-phase flow dynamics |
掲載年月 |
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2012年9月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Proc. 6th Japanese-European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting |
発表等実施日 |
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20120924 |
大会会議名 |
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6th Japanese-European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting |
主発表者 |
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古谷 正裕 |
論文名 |
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Design Measures for Increasing Burnup of Fast Reactor Metal Fuel |
発表等実施日 |
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20121023 |
大会会議名 |
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NuMat 2012: The Nuclear Materials Conference |
主発表者 |
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太田 宏一 |
論文名 |
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Post-irradiation Examination of
Minor Actinide-Bearing Metal Fuels in the METAPHIX Program |
発表等実施日 |
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20121023 |
大会会議名 |
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The Nuclear Materials Conference NuMAT2012 |
主発表者 |
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尾形 孝成 |
論文名 |
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Severe Accident Analyses of a BWR with MAAP5 Code -Station Blackout and Large-Break LOCA- |
掲載年月 |
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2012年12月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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NTHAS8予稿集 |
発表等実施日 |
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20121210 |
大会会議名 |
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The Eighth Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS8) |
主発表者 |
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西村 聡 |
論文名 |
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Standardized Procedure for Tsunami PRA by AESJ |
発表等実施日 |
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20121112 |
大会会議名 |
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ICMST 2012, Tokyo |
主発表者 |
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桐本 順広 |
論文名 |
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Progress in understanding of Fuel-Cladding Chemical Interaction in Metal Fuel |
掲載年月 |
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2013.4 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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未定 |
発表等実施日 |
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20130304 |
大会会議名 |
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International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13) |
主発表者 |
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稲垣 健太 |
論文名 |
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Performance of pyro-process equipment of semi-industrial design and material balance in repeated engineering-scale fuel cycle tests using simulated oxide/metal fuels |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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Nuclear Technology(米国原子力学会誌) |
主発表者 |
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飯塚 政利 |
論文名 |
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Severe accident analysis of PWR with MAAP code |
掲載年月 |
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2012年12月 |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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NTHAS8予稿集 |
発表等実施日 |
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20121211 |
大会会議名 |
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The Eighth Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS8) |
主発表者 |
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日渡 良爾 |
論文名 |
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Minor Actinide Transmutation Performance in Fast Reactor Metal Fuel -Isotope Ratio Change in Actinide Elements upon Low-Burnup Irradiation- |
発表等実施日 |
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20130304 |
大会会議名 |
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International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13) |
主発表者 |
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太田 宏一 |
論文名 |
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新たな水晶体等価線量限度に関する放射線防護の課題 |
掲載年月 |
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2013年6月 48(2) |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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保健物理 |
主発表者 |
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藤通 有希 |
論文名 |
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放射線白内障に対するしきい線量の科学的根拠と課題 |
掲載年月 |
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2013年6月号 48(2) |
掲載雑誌名等 |
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保健物理 |
主発表者 |
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藤通 有希 |
論文名 |
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事故耐性の高い制御棒の開発 |
発表等実施日 |
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20130326 |
大会会議名 |
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日本原子力学会2013春の年会 |
主発表者 |
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太田 宏一 |