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- Yohei Tanaka

Yohei Tanaka
Distribution System Unit, Simulation Frontier Group, Research Scientist
Born in Nara
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University (Master's Program)
[Field of reseach] XTAP, Simulation and Control
Research and development from the user’s perspective He is engaged in the development of a function that automatically searches for optimal values of parameters such as circuits and control constants so that more users can utilize XTAP developed by our company. This function will make it easier for the user to set the optimum value. He is actively working on research that will lead to its immediate implementation. eXpandable Transient Analysis Program (XTAP) is a program that analyzes at the waveform level the transient phenomena of electric circuits including power systems. The Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry is developing XTAP for the purpose of improving the analysis accuracy, flexibly responding to domestic needs such as improving programs and adding models.