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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of electric field calculation code using high-order element and application to evaluation of corona audible noise of electric line

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In this report, firstly, we develop electric field calculation codes. The electrostatic field calculation method plays an important role in the insulation design and electromagnetic environment design of power equipment. The high-order functions are used in shape and charge density representation functions to improve the calculation accuracy. The calculation code for a three-dimensional arrangement is based on both the surface charge method and the charge simulation method to expand its versatility. On the other hand, the calculation code in a two-dimensional arrangement are based on the surface charge method. Secondly, we propose a new technique to convert measured corona audible noise levels of an electric line using a corona cage to values independent of the length of the electric line and the position of the microphone. In a conventional technique, the measured corona audible noise levels are converted assuming the electric field distribution on the electric line is uniform, although the electric field is not actually uniform. In the proposed technique, we take into account the three-dimensional arrangement of the corona cage and calculate the electric field distribution on the electric line using the developed code. The differences between values converted by the proposed technique based on the electric field distribution and values converted by the conventional technique are within 0.4 dB. We show the validity of the assumption in the conventional technique for the corona cage.







立松 明芳

電力技術研究所 雷・電磁環境領域

田辺 一夫

電力技術研究所 塩原実験場


静電界 electrostatic field
表面電荷法 surface charge method
電荷重畳法 charge simulation method
コロナケージ corona cage
コロナ騒音 corona audible noise
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry