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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Research and development on groundwater dating (part5)-The development of isotopic exchange method for estimation of isotopic (hydrogen and oxygen) composition of pore water-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Estimation of isotopic composition of pore water without destruction of rock samples can be achieved by "isotopic exchange method" proposed by Abu et al.Even though this method has many advantages comparing with the other methods, previous reports clarified applicableness only for Opulinus-clay and halite. To apply this method to many kind of samples, obtaining following information is required:
(1) What kind of parameter affects the estimated value at this method ?
(2) What is the appropriate condition for this method so that the isotopic (hydrogen and oxygen) composition of pore water is estimated properly ?
It this study, the methodology to tell if this method can be applicable to a sample or not, is proposed. At first step in this methodology, standard sample is obtained by exchanging the pore water with prepared water according to the procedure of isotopic exchange method. Then isotopic composition of standard samples is estimated by isotopic exchange method. Applicableness of isotopic exchange method can be known comparing the estimated isotopic value by isotopic exchange method and standard sample.
The proposed methodology is applied to many kind of rocks to obtain an information on (1) described above. It is found that the amount of pore water in rock sample affects the applicableness of isotopic exchange method, critically. Even for same kind of rock, the applicableness of isotopic exchange method is controlled by the amount of pore water in rock sample in experimental system. This result has indicated the possibility that we can apply the isotopic exchange method to all rock samples if we can estimated the appropriate amount of pore water in the system. Changing the amount of rock samples, we estimated the appropriate amount of pore water in the system for isotopic exchange method. For 1.3L vessel and 2.0 g prepared water for exchanging, about 5.0g pore water is required to estimate the isotopic composition by isotopic exchange method.
Appling this method to a drilling core, depth profile of hydrogen isotopic composition is obtained according to the experimental condition obtained above. The depth profile obtained by isotopic exchange and squeezing method are very similar indicating applicableness of these 2 methods for estimation of isotopic composition of pore water in rock.







中田 弘太郎

地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター

長谷川 琢磨

地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター

大山 隆弘

地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター


間隙水 pore water
同位体組成 isotopic composition
水素 hydrogen
酸素 oxygen
同位体交換 isotopic exchange
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry