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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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堆積岩地域の溶存有機物を用いた地下水の流動履歴評価 -励起蛍光マトリクスと多変量解析による地下水起源の推定-


Evaluation of origins and hydrologic flow patterns of groundwater in a sedimentary rock by using dissolved organic matter with excitation-emission matrix fluorescence and multivariate analysis

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Evaluation of origins and hydrologic flow patterns of groundwater in a sedimentary rock is necessary from the point of view of maintenances and environmental assessment at various electric power facilities as well as utilization of underground spaces such as gas storage and waste disposal in future. In addition to major elements and stable isotope ratios, which have been employed to examine groundwater flow successfully, we focused on a new index of excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence, which needs only a small amount of samples, in order to understand the groundwater flow history better. In this study, origins of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in groundwater samples with varying depths in the eastern Tokachi sedimentary basin including isolated humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids from the groundwater were investigated with the EEM spectroscopy and subsequent multivariate analyses. PARAFAC modeling for the corrected EEM identified four humic-like components in groundwater, HA and FA in the Tokachi basin area and subsequent principal component analysis statistics of the PARAFAC ratios showed that HA is dominant in groundwater sampled from terrestrial/shallow-marine formations and FA is dominant in those from marine formations. The ratios of the four PARAFAC components varied gradually in the descending order of the sedimentary rocks and increasing depth except for the samples in the west of Tokachi Central Fault (TCF). Shallow groundwater and deep groundwater in the west of TCF showed higher ratio of the component due possibly to CDOM from soil and peat, while deep groundwater in the east of TCF showed higher ratios of the other components due to microbial CDOM; degraded HA for the terrestrial/shallow-marine formations and degraded FA for the marine formations with higher ratios in increasing depth. This result implies that shallow groundwater and deep groundwater in the west of TCF flow faster than deep groundwater in the east of TCF, which possibly flows within the formation only. The interpretation agrees well with the origins of the groundwater and flow patterns in this area previously proposed from the results of major elements and stable isotope ratios, thus, the EEM with the multivariate analyses can be another index to estimate origins of groundwater.







伊藤 由紀

地球工学研究所 地圏科学領域

宮川 公雄

地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター


溶存有機物 Dissolved organic matter
励起蛍光マトリクス Excitation-emission matrix
多変量解析 Multivariate analysis
地下水起源 Groundwater origin
堆積岩 Sedimentary rock
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry