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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




高温構造材料の粒界局所応力解析手法の開発 -クリープ条件下のボイド成長シミュレーションへの適用-


Development of Grain Boundary Local Stress Analysis Method for High Temperature Structural Materials - Application for Void Growth Simulation under Creep Condition -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In this study, a finite element method using crystal plastic model assuming constant anti-stress as creep constitutive equation was developed to understand grain boundary local stress condition of high temperature structural materials under creep condition. Then, applying developed method, the influence of both grain boundary properties and crystal orientation on local stress distribution in the vicinity of grain boundary was investigated using a three-crystal model. Consequently, it was revealed that consideration of grain boundary as an isotropic material did not affect the grain boundary local stress distribution and inhomogeneous stress distribution was obtained due to combination of crystals with different orientation. And it was clarified that global creep strain of crystal aggregation was able to be quantitatively estimated due to assuming approximately three times larger coefficient of crystal plastic model than Norton coefficient. Then, based on those results, a computer program was developed for WINDOWS PC machines. Using the developed program, the grain boundary local stress analyses subjected to Cr-Mo-V forging steel were carried out and it was shown that stress concentration was occurred at the triple point of grain boundary during creep deformation. Then, in the void growth simulation for Cr-Mo-V forging steel, it was demonstrated that time change of maximum void length was quantitative simulated using our proposed void growth model and grain boundary local stress analysis method.







酒井 高行

材料科学研究所 構造材料評価領域

緒方 隆志

材料科学研究所 構造材料評価領域


クリープボイド Creep Void
損傷評価 Damage Assessment
結晶粒界 Grain Boundary
局所応力 Local Stress
有限要素法 Finite Element Method
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry