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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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第一原理計算による高温用超音波探触子材料設計 第1報:ZnO系


Material design for high temperature use ultrasonic probe material by first principles calculation - ZnO based system -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

発電用高温機器の健全性評価のために超音波探傷法による内部探傷検査が行われている。運転中の機器内部のき裂や減肉の進行を監視できれば、設備の運用信頼性は格段に向上する。そのためには600℃程度の高温下で監視に使用できる圧電材料を改良・開発し超音波探触子を構成する必要がある。このような要求に応える材料設計指針 は提案されておらず、計算物理学による指針の構築が望まれている。そこで本研究では600℃においても圧電性を示し、且つ探触子の性能指標である電気機械結合係数が比較的高いZnOをベースとして、第一原理計算を用いて添加元素を加えた時の圧電物性値(圧電応力定数、弾性定数、電気機械結合係数)を予測し、超音波探触子性能向上のための材料設計指針を得ることを目的とした。その結果、以下の知見を得た。

概要 (英文)

Ultrasonic testing is useful non destructive evaluation method for structural components exposed to high temperature and mechanical load in fossil power plants. However, there is a limitation for temperature to perform ultrasonic testing, because piezoelectric materials which generate ultrasonic and compose probe of ultrasonic testing device loose piezoelectricity above Curie temperature. If piezoelectric material can keep piezoelectricity even at around 873K steam condition, it will be able to perform ultrasonic testing even power plants are in service, and contribute the significant increasing of reliability for structural components. Possible solution is to use piezoelectric material with high Curie temperature or no Curie temperature, but generally piezoelectric property of that material is not enough for ultrasonic testing. Therefore in this study, computational material design method was applied to find appropriate method increasing piezoelectric property of ZnO system, because ZnO has no Curie temperature and relatively high piezoelectric coupling factor that determines performance of piezoelectric material as ultrasonic probe. 12 types dopants : Li1+, Na1+, K1+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Al3+, Ga3+, La3+, Si4+, Ge4+, Sn4+ were systematically substituted into Zn site, then change of piezoelectric property was predicted by first principles calculation. As a result, dependency of formal charge of dopant for piezoelectric property was found to be basically valid, and Sn4+ was found to be most effective dopant to increase piezoelectric constant and piezoelectric coupling factor. These suggestions will be useful guideline to increase piezoelectric property of ZnO, and established prediction method will be applied to other prospect high temperature use piezoelectric materials.







中村 馨

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域

樋口 貞雄

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域

緒方 隆志



密度汎関数摂動論 Density functional perturbation theory
圧電材料 Piezoelectric material
酸化亜鉛 Zinc oxide
添加物 Dopant
材料設計 Material design
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry