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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




多針アナログメータ自動読み取りソフトウェアの実用性向上 -初期設定の簡易化と精度向上-


Improvement of automatic reading analog meter software - Simplification of initial setting and improvement of reading accuracy -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

A number of analog meters are attached to electric power facilities for checking the internal state of the apparatus. Field engineers currently have to read many of those meters with their eyes, since the meters don't have telemetering function. Adding the conventional telemetry mechanism to the equipment needs high cost and reconstruction, therefore a low cost and easy method for telemetry was needed. To achieve this function, we have developed an automatic reading software of the analog meters using digital images that are taken by a low cost network camera. This software is planned to be used in many real power transmission centers, however there is a problem of initial settings. In the case of handling the meters with multiple needles, our software has the function which can distinguish them by color of needles. The manual configuration of the distinguish function was difficult because user has to setup the parameters in consideration of time and seasonal change of the lighting conditions of the spot. In this report we propose an automatic configuration method of the color setting using a machine learning technique. We have evaluated our method by using 8,649 images of an oil thermometer of a power transmission. The result shows that proposal method is easy to setup the parameters, moreover it has achieved high precision of metering in comparison with the case using the conventional setting function.







伊藤 憲彦

システム技術研究所 情報数理領域


設備保守 Apparatus maintenance
画像処理 Image processing
パターン認識 Pattern recognition
フーリエ変換 Fourier transform
サポートベクターマシン Support vector machine
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry