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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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エージェントによる文書群の自己組織化 ---- 柔軟な文書整理機構の提案 ----


Self-organization of Digital Documents based on Multi-agent Technology

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

本報告では、文書をエージェント化し(以下では文書エージェントと呼ぶ)、他の文書との関係を自律的に取得・修正させることで、文書群の構造を協調的に形成していく文書群の自己組織化機構を提案する。文書エージェントは、(1) 文書と、(2) 作成者や操作ログなどの文書に関するデータや他の文書との関係からなるメタデータ、(3) メタデータの獲得や利用者への自発的な情報提示、他の文書エージェントとともに自己組織化を行なう機能などからなるメソッドから構成される。文書エージェントは、深い関連を持つ他の文書エージェントとともに局所的な構造を表わす小規模なグループを形成する。

概要 (英文)

This paper presents a novel architecture for self-organization ofstructure among documents based on emergent behavior of multi-agents.A document is a component of an autonomous agent called document agent(DA)which acts as a navigator that recommends related documents to usersand shows local/global structure among documents. The DA collects and updates meta-data about the document, that consist of author, place, keywords, operation log, etc, during the navigation.Structure among DAs is represented as a multi-layered network like hypergraph. In the bottom layer, a network of DAs is generated, in which a weighted link represents a conjunction of basic relations that the DAs extract from their meta-data. Then sub-networks called groups, that have only strong links within, are composed to represent local structures in neighborhood of each DA. A network in the higher layer that represents more global structure is generated by reducing groups to nodes and aggregating links across the groups. Thus, recursive composition of group provides multi-layered structure from local to global.The composed groups may be merged, divided, or changed while the weights of links will be changed by DAs according as recommendation in the navigation is good or not. This function adapts the structure to the actual use of documents, but may cause instability of structure.Reinforcing the weights of links in two similar groups acceleratesinduction of stable and general structure.This architecture provides not only a navigator among documents or a keeper of meta-data but also easy-to-understand structure that will change itself automatically by adapting the actual creation/use of documents. Thus this architecture enables scalable and efficient use/management of documents.







二方 厚志



自己組織化 Self-organization
文書管理 Document Management
マルチエージェント Multi-agent
ハイパーテキスト Hypertext
情報共有 Information Sharing
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry