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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




大口径管内気液二相流評価手法の高度化(その3) -気泡渦の影響を考慮した界面せん断力評価手法の予測精度の検証-


Improvement of Estimation Method of Two-Phase Flow in a Large Diameter Pipe (III); Validation of New Interfacial Drag Force Model Including Effect of Bubble Wake

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

A two-fluid model is still one of the most important two-phase flow models particularly for practical application such as nuclear reactor safety analysis, although several more detailed models have been recently proposed. In the two-fluid model, which requires a lot of constitutive equations to mathematically close the basic equations, the accuracy of numerical solutions greatly depends upon the constitutive equations used. The reasonable constitutive equations are hence indispensable for the numerical calculation based on the two-fluid model. One of the most important constitutive equations is that for interfacial drag force since it primarily affects mean void fraction, so that a number of correlations have been developed for the interfacial drag force. However, since the experimental data of two-phase flow in small-diameter pipes have been mainly used for validating the existing correlations, their applicability to the two-phase flow in large-diameter pipes has not sufficiently been tested. For this reason, we performed detailed measurements of steam-water bubbly flow in a large-diameter pipe in previous studies. It was inferred from our experimental data that a lot of bubbles were captured into the wake formed by other bubbles in front, to rise faster than their terminal velocities. This result suggested that the effect of bubble wake should be included in the constitutive equations of interfacial drag force. Consequently, a new correlation of interfacial drag force which includes a preliminary bubble wake model was developed. In the present study, increasing the measuring point with double sensor optical void probes and improving signal processing procedure, another series of experiments was carried out. Using the new experimental data, several modifications were made to the correlations representing the bubble size and the bubble wake, which are used in our interfacial drag force model. For testing the validity of the new model, calculated void fractions were compared with several experimental data sets of steam-water two-phase flow in large-diameter pipes. One-dimensional and axi-symmetric two-dimensional two-fluid models were used for this purpose. Since the present interfacial drag force model would be applicable only to bubbly two-phase flow, the experimental data in which the mean void fraction is less than 0.3 were used for this purpose. As a result, it was demonstrated that the new model is effective for accurate prediction in these experimental conditions.







大川 富雄


米田 公俊


周 士榮



次世代軽水炉 ALWR
安定性 Stability
二相流 Two-Phase Flow
自然循環炉 Natural-Circulation BWR
静的安全系 Passive Safety System
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry