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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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スウェーデン・ハードロック地下研究施設における高レベル廃棄物処分のための国際共同研究(その7) --溶存He濃度と放射性塩素同位体比(36Cl/Cl)を組み合わせた地下水年代測定法の新たな提案--


CRIEPI and SKB Cooperation Report No.7- Proposal of the new groundwater dating method combining with dissolved He concentration and 36Cl/Cl ratio

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

CRIEPI has participated in the international co-operation research, which SKB has organized at the Aspo HRL, for verification of techniques to investigate and/or to evaluate performances in a natural barrier from 1991. In particular, CRIEPI has contributed to the research by publishing the dating results of groundwater residence time at the Aspo site in the international research journal at the first time in the world. In this study, we reported the evaluation of stability in groundwater environments in the past six years after finishing the tunnel excavation based on the in-situ observation from 1995. Furthermore, we proposed the new groundwater dating method using the correlation between dissolved helium concentration and 36Cl concentration produced by the in-situ neutron activation. Outline of groundwater mixing at the site is consistent with two endmenbers mixture between the modern Baltic seawater surrounding the site and the deep brine water. But, the local periodic changes in groundwater qualities have been caused by the differnce in density between the intruding Baltic seawater and high saline water. We can conclude that the groundwater environments have not yet stabilized in groundwater qualities. We estimated groundwater ages from the He accumulation rate measuring during 0.3 million years of the 36Cl half-life by fitting the 36Cl and He growth to the neutron activation curve. The age is to be more than 6 million years for the oldest groundwater. This is consistent with our former estimation on groundwater residence time at the Aspo site published in Applied Geochemistry in 2001.







馬原 保典


長谷川 琢磨



高レベル放射性廃棄物 high-level radioactive waste
地下水年代測定 groundwater dating
地下研究施設 underground research laboratory
スウェーデン核燃料・廃棄物管理会社 SKB
塩素36 Chlorine 36
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry