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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




生体機能を利用したセンシング (その6) --抗原抗体反応を用いた絶縁油中PCBの簡易迅速検定法--


Application of biological function to sensing part 6 -A rapid immunoassay to detect PCB in oil-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used in industrial applications, including dielectric fluid in capacitors and transformers. However, their industrial use was sharply curtailed and then discontinued when their carcinogenic and other toxicological properties became known. There are ongoing technology development programs for the detoxification of PCB by dechlorination in most developed countries. Analytical procedures for detecting and quantification of PCB, using gas chromatography with mass spectrometer (GC-MS) are well known but not sufficiently rapid and cheap for the current demand either for monitoring in the detoxification process or in environment analysis. Immunoasay using antibody- antigen reactions has been focused on as a rapid and cheap alternative environmental test. There are a variety of commercial immunoassay test kits available for PCBs The kits are intended for screening, usually of soil samples, and are targeted toward current regulatory practice which specifies limits for total PCB. However, a rapid and cheap immunoassay for PCBs in capacitor or transformer oil has never before introduced.We report here on the development of a rapid and sensitive immunoassay for the total PCB in the transformer oil. First, we establish a sample extraction procedure in which the transformer oil was washed with two times excess volume of HCl-dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) by hand shaking in a tube for 2 minutes. The resultant oil was then shaken with DMSO alone and the DMSO phase is diluted into aqueous buffer for the immunoassay measurement. Using this procedure, PCBs were extracted from four oils spiked with either Kanechlor(KC) 300, 400, 500 or 600. The extract was then diluted 1000 fold in aqueous buffer containing anti-PCB monoclonal antibody. One ml of the diluted extract was introduced to the biosensor, which is previously developed by us. The detection of PCBs was successfully completed within five minutes. The biosensor could measure PCBs at ppb ranges. Therefore, the dynamic range for each KC, in oil including the extraction efficiency and dilution factor, was as 10-1400 ppm for KC300, 6-600ppm for KC400, 2-100ppm for KC500 and 2-100ppm for KC600. The output signals from the sensor for eleven actual PCB contaminated transformer oils were recorded to compare with total PCB concentrations (0.3-32ppm) that were determined by GC-MS. A clear and high correlation between the signals and total PCB concentration was observed. This correlation could be represented as calibration curve by fitting a theoretical equation to these signals. From this calibration curve, the dynamic range of total PCBs in the transformer oil was 5-120ppm and the detection limit was 2ppm.







大村 直也


Glass Thomas


城 孝司


たえ見 幸弘



絶縁油 oil
抗体 antibody
ポリ塩化ビフェニル PCB
モニタリング monitoring
計測 sensing
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry