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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






A study on seismic retrofit planning method of substation components on the basis of the seismic risk assessment of electric power system

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

A lot of seismic countermeasures for electric power systems have been studied to reduce their seismic risk in Japan. For example, a seismic design guide line for substation components constituting electric power system, JEAG5003, was published in 1980 after a research on their damage due to the 1978 Miyagi-Ken Oki earthquake.Physical damage, however, has occurred to substation components due to recent earthquakes even after 1980. Especially, the 1995 HyogoKen Nanbu earthquake caused serious damage to such components and their damage caused widespread power failure to customers. The damage concentrated on pre-existing components built before 1980, which were not designed in accordance with JEAG5003. After the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu earthquake, it was pointed out by a government commission report that seismic retrofit was needed for those pre-existing components which did not accord with JEAG5003. However, it is difficult to retrofit all pre-existing components in short time, since huge number of pre-existing components has remained non-renewable or non-retrofitting because of prohibitive costs for upgrading.This paper presents a seismic retrofit planning method for substation components on the basis of the assessment of the retrofit cost, and the economical loss associated with the seismic risk of electric power systems. The proposed method suggests that even if pre-existing components do not satisfy existing guide for seismic design, those components are not always needed to be upgraded. The proposed method makes it possible to determine an optimum number and priority of substation components to be retrofitted to reduce the seismic risk rationally within limited budget.







朱牟田 善治



費用便益分析 Cost-Benefit Analysis
耐震補強 Seismic Retrofit
変電設備 Substation Facility
ライフライン Lifeline
地震リスクマネージメント Seismic Risk Management
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry