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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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離散要素法による3次元固気混相流の数値解析手法の開発 --複雑形状境界内部の固体粒子運動の解法--


Discrete Element Method for Three-dimensional Gas-Solid Flows within Complicated-Shaped Boundaries

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

複雑な境界形状内において、固気混相流現象を評価することが可能な数値解析手法開発した。この解析手法は、3次元境界適合座標系上で離散要素法により粒子の挙動を計算するものである。数値解析手法は以下のような特徴を有する。(1)固体粒子の並進・回転運動の運動方程式を解析してラグランジュ的な挙動を求める。粒子が流体から受ける作用としては、抗力、揚力と粘性減衰を考慮できる。(2)離散要素法に基づき、対象とする粒子と接触する複数の粒子との相互作用や、粒子と境界面との衝突などを効率よく評価することが可能である。(3)3次元境界適合座標系に基づく流体解析手法を利用するため、複雑な形状の領域内における流動現象を精度良く評価できるとともに、それらの境界面における粒子の接触判定や反発などを取り扱うことが可能である。 固気混相流を対象とした数値計算および数値実験により、実験結果と同様の円管内および水平ベンド管内の粒子輸送が数値計算で得られ、さらに漸縮管内の粒子輸送特性が予測できた。

概要 (英文)

In air-solid flows, the accurate treatment for solid phase is essential to predict the whole two-phase behaviors. In the present study, a three-dimensional numerical technique is developed for air-solid flows on the basis of the discrete element method, which enables us to compute each solid particle motion independently. In particular, three dimensional curvilinear coordinates are employed in the computational technique to represent complicated-shaped three-dimensional boundaries. As a result, the solid particle motions can be numerically predicted in air flows within arbitrary-shaped boundaries. The translational motions of solid particles are calculated from momentum equations, in which gravity force, viscous force due to relative velocity from the surrounding air motion and contact force against other particles or boundaries are taken into account. The rotational motion of particles is predicted with the conservation equations of angular momentum, using tangential components of the contact forces. The interpolation of air phase velocity at a particle position is performed in the transformed space in order to treat complicated shaped boundaries accurately. The three-dimensional air phase motions, on the other hand, are predicted in a Eulerian formulation with a two-equation turbulence model. The developed computational method is applied to the transportation phenomena in a horizontal straight pipe and a horizontal curved pipe. As a result, it has been shown that the predicted flow characteristics reasonably agree with the experimental results. In addition, numerical experiments are conducted on the air-solid flows within a contracted tube. The particle numbers passing through the contracted area are numerically predicted when the existing particle numbers are changed. As a result, it is shown that the particle transportation is largely affected by the particle-particle interaction when increasing particle numbers.







牛島 省



数値流体力学 computational fluid dynamics
離散要素法 discrete element method
境界適合座標系 body-fitted coordinates
固気混相流 air-solid two phase flow
粒子輸送 particle transportation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry