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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of GIS-based Air Quality Modeling System

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In recent years, cogeneration systems have been installed for commercial uses in buildings such as hotels, hospitals and office buildings to reduce energy consumption and emissions of CO2. Most of these cogeneration systems exhaust the gases containing NOx emissions from the building's rooftop. When air-quality impact assessments for such facilities are undertaken, the building downwash effect on pollution dispersion around surrounding buildings must be considered. Some Gaussian dispersion models have been proposed that account for the building downwash effect by modifying plume rise algorithms or dispersion parameters. In these models, the dimensions of buildings around a pollution source that may affect plume dispersion need to be specified. In urban areas, however, it is difficult to specify building dimensions (widths and heights) because there are many buildings and some of them have complicated shapes. In this study, we develop an air dispersion modeling system which can take into account the building downwash effect by using a GIS (Geographic Information System) to specify building dimensions automatically. Three different types of dispersion model are incorporated in the system, and input parameters such as calculation grids, source location, emission rates and building dimensions can be configured readily by using a GUI (Graphical User Interface). To evaluate the performance of the system, a series of wind tunnel experiments simulating plume dispersion around models of buildings in the city of Shinagawa, Tokyo, were carried out. It was found that, overall, concentrations calculated by dispersion models were underestimated compared with those obtained by wind tunnel experiments, but for maximum ground level concentration, there was good agreement between theoretical and experimental values in some cases. In order to accurately predict the high concentrations that occur near the source buildings, modification of the plume rise algorithms and dispersion parameters are required.







佐藤 歩


市川 陽一



大気拡散モデル air dispersion model
地理情報システム geographic information system
建物ダウンウオッシュ building downwash
コージェネレーションシステム cogeneration system
窒素酸化物 nitrogen oxides
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry