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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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ガスタービン高温部品を対象とした伝熱流動数値解析 -第5報 1300℃級初段動翼温度の3次元連成解析-


Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer for Gas Turbine Hot-gas-path Parts -5th report, Three Dimensional Conjugate Analysis for 1300℃ class First-stage Rotor Blade Temperature-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

高温の燃焼ガス流中で使用されるガスタービン(以下GT) 高温部品は高価、かつ寿命も短いため、その補修コストは大きな問題となっている。高温部品の寿命についての明確な評価基準がなく、電力各社では、コスト低減の観点から寿命延伸に向けた取り組みを行っているが、その実現に向けて、基礎となる温度評価技術の確立が重要である。 本研究では、国内電力会社の複合発電設備における主力機器である1300℃級GTの初段動翼を対象に、定格運転時の翼温度分布を明らかにするため、翼まわりの燃焼ガスの熱流動、翼構造材部の熱伝導、および翼内部冷却を連成させた3次元翼温度解析を行った。解析手法に、冷却構造の特徴を反映し、内部冷却の評価に、高精度乱流解析から導いた冷却特性関係式を適用した結果、翼表面温度分布の高温領域は、使用済み翼に現れる損傷部位によく対応するとともに、使用済み翼の材料組織から推定した温度に、良好な一致を示すことが確認された。さらに、翼温度に及ぼす条件変化として、動翼へ流入する燃焼ガス温度分布、および翼内部の冷却条件をパラメータに解析し、局所翼温度分布への影響を確認した。

概要 (英文)

A combined-cycle power-generation plant used with a gas turbine (hereinafter GT) is highly efficient and clean. It is regarded as a major power facility in thermal power generation. On the other hand, hot parts such as the combustor, rotor blade, and stator vane that are exposed to high temperature combustion gas suffer damage from the harsh operational environment; hence, these parts may be repaired or replaced frequently. Accordingly, the high efficiency is apt to be offset by the maintenance costs, giving rise to a serious problem. So from the viewpoint of users, a method to evaluate the life correctly must be established. It is essential for the accurate life evaluation to obtain the temperature distribution of the hot parts. The present paper reports on numerical prediction of temperature distribution of the first stage rotor blade in a 1300 Celsius degree class gas turbine on a rating condition. The three-dimensional steady-state numerical analysis was conducted by thermal conjugation of inside and outside fields of the blade, which consists of convection heat transfer around the blade, thermal conduction in the blade material and internal blade cooling. In order to predict accurately the temperature of the target blade which has ribbed serpentine cooling passages, a series of formulas derived from Large eddy simulation of the cooling passage was applied to evaluation of heat transfer rate of the internal blade cooling. As a result, predicted temperature profile on the blade surface coincides with the distinctive aspects of damage by oxidation, and the blade surface temperature on the hot spot predicted by the numerical calculation is in agreement with estimation based on the material of the spent blade. Influences of distribution of inlet gas temperature and of cooling conditions on the blade temperature were also investigated by using the present numerical procedures. Numerical results presented characteristic variations of the local temperature depending upon the profile factor of the inlet gas flow or mass flow rate of the internal cooling air.







高橋 俊彦


渡辺 和徳


酒井 高行


高橋 毅



ガスタービン Gas turbine
動翼 Rotor blade
計算流体力学 Computational fluid dynamics
温度分布 Temperature distribution
連成解析 Conjugate analysis
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry