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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Study on Green Power Program Design in the Unites States

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate green power program design in the United States and obtain implications useful for Japanese programs. The author focuses on programs in which utilities supply electricity generated from renewable sources to residential customers. The main results are as follows:1) Among the top 10 utilities in the number of participants in the United States, five companies offer "block programs" that supply green power in blocks of energy, such as 100-200kWh/month, for a fixed monthly payment. One of the merits of the block programs is that customers can know the exact payments in advance of their participation. But, recently participants in programs in which utilities meet 100% of customers’ electricity demands from renewables (100% green program) have been on the increase. There is a utility that offers a 100% green fixed payment program.2) Power from wind and landfill gas generation facilities is mainly supplied in the programs that the top 10 utilities offer. Monthly minimum payments for the block programs are approximately 2-4$ (a utility exempts participants from fuel cost adjustments and from environmental costs related to coal power plants, therefore the actual payment is 0.76$ as of February 2005). Although payments for the 100% green programs are generally higher than those for the block programs, participating customers place the highest value on 100% renewables.3) The block program is considered to be acceptable for Japanese customers. But, due to higher generation costs of wind power facilities in Japan than those in the United States, a block in Japan should be set lower than that in the United States. There is a low possibility that the 100% green program acquires a lot of participants due to their higher payments. If green power were supplied from renewables to meet a Renewable Portfolio Standard requirement or utilities used green power certificates issued to self consumption of on-site facilities, premiums of green power programs could be set lower. However, in the former, preferences of customers to programs might be lower and the rights and wrongs would have to be discussed deliberately regarding an achievement of the green power programs.







田頭 直人


浅野 浩志


馬場 健司



再生可能エネルギー Renewable Energy
グリーン電力プログラム Green Power Program
米国 The United States of America
家庭用需要家 Residential Customer
プログラム設計 Program Design
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry