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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Issues in the Vitalization of Japan Electric Power Exchange - Analyses of Market Data and Surveys of Market Participants' Views

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

This report analyzed the issues of vitalizing wholesale electric power exchange in Japan. Although trading volume has increased since the commencement of Japan Electric Power eXchange (JEPX) in 2005, the percentage share of trading volume in the spot (day-ahead) market based on the total demand for electricity has only been 0.4%, and trading activity in the forward market remains marginal. It has been argued that vitalizing the wholesale market is one of the most important issues in the restructuring of the electricity industry in Japan. We examined the potential for vitalizing the power exchange by analyses of the trading volumes and questionnaire surveys of market participants' views. We found that while there are some indications that the market still lacks liquidity, some market participants consider that the current level of trading volume is adequate. Since the trading volume and the number of participants have been increasing, it is important to observe carefully the subsequent developments of the market. On the other hand, the forward market is clearly illiquid and a majority of the market participants views that the trading volume in the forward market is inadequate. Some of the major problems in the institutional factors as indicated by our survey are to be addressed by the planned establishment of balancing market and changes in the trading forward contracts. The limit of transmission capacity between the regions and similarity of generating fuel mix among the participants are considered to be less relevant. The trading rules and operation of JEPX are considered to be less relevant except for potential for uneconomical scheduling in the spot market and lack of variety of the standardized forward contract terms. The individual circumstances of the market participants are also relevant, including capacity constraints and inability of managing price risk.







服部 徹

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

遠藤 操

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

大藤 建太

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

古澤 健

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域


卸電力取引 Wholesale Power Trading
活性化 Vitalization
電力取引所 Power Exchange
取引量 Trading Volume
流動性 Liquidity
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry