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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Comparative Analysis of Institutional Approaches for Ensuring Resource Adequacy after Restructuring of Electricity Market in the US

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In the U.S., ensuring resource adequacy is an important policy objective in restructuring of electricity industry. New generation capacity investment has been faced with difficulties associated with securing financing without long-term power purchase agreement and so called "missing money" problem in the wholesale energy market. Since there are several institutional approaches to solve these problems, it is important for Japan to learn lessons from the experiences of these different approaches to ensure resource adequacy after the reform. In Texas, where energy-only market approach is taken, reserve margin is expected to be low in the future. Relying on occasional price spikes in wholesale electricity market is not only increasing risks but it is inherently difficult to differentiate scarcity pricing from price manipulation by dominant generators with market power. In the Northeast, ISO/RTOs operate centralized capacity markets. Although the capacity market helps ensuring resource adequacy, the market design is so complex that it is inevitable that the parameters for the market are subject to constant reviews by stakeholders. In California, the regulator offers long-term contracts through regulated electricity distribution utilities to support new investment. While its resource adequacy program was successful in attracting new investment, it has resulted in excess capacity, indicating that it is subject to regulatory risk. In addition, it is not consistent with retail market liberalization. In the case of California, It is important to recognize that the market mechanism may not bring benefits to the society unless the risk of institutional design is well managed.







服部 徹

社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域

遠藤 操

社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域

門多 治



供給力の確保 Ensuring Resource Adequacy
卸電力市場 Wholesale Electricity Market
容量市場 Capacity Market
電源投資 Generation Investment
プロジェクト・ファイナンス Project Finance
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry