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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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電力設備接地系の過渡応答特性解析ツール -並列型有限積分電磁界解析プログラムとGUIの開発-


Development of Tool for Analyzing Transient Grounding Characteristics consisting of Parallel Finite Integral Electromagnetic Transient Program and Graphic User Interface

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The study on transient performance of electric apparatus for lightning surges is important to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility and accident prevention. The electromagnetic transient program (EMTP) based on circuit theory in which the propagation of TEM waves is implicated has been applied to resolve the transient performance of electrical apparatus, however, the electromagnetic analysis method including finite difference time domain method (FDTD), finite integral method (FI) method, and moment method has begun to be applied because EMTP can not treat general propagation modes as mentioned before and can not rigorously resolve problems of vertical structure, grounding electrode in earth and so on. The computer program for analyzing transient performance based on FDTD method and FI method need enormous computer resources such as memories and computation time.
Under these circumstances, this paper describes developed parallel program of FI method (Parallel Finite Integral electromagnetic Transient program, PFIT), graphical user interface (GUI), and extremely thin wire approximation to save computer resources. Open MP tool is employed to make the program, which was based on FI method and developed already in CRIEPI, parallel. GUI is written by Java script and we can easily set analysis condition with ensuring visibly. The thin wire approximation proposed here can realize cylindrical conductor having radius equal to1/106 of spatial increment.







田辺 一夫

電力技術研究所 高電圧・電磁環境領域

河本 正

電力技術研究所 高電圧・電磁環境領域

浅川 聡

電力技術研究所 高電圧・電磁環境領域


過渡解析 Transient analysis
電磁界 Electromagnetic field
並列プログラム Parallel programing
有限積分法 Finite integral method
接地系 Grounding system
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry