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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




日本海沿岸地域の冬季における風車への雷放電特性 -仁賀保高原風力発電設備の2005~2008年度冬季雷観測結果-


Characteristics of winter lightning flashes to wind turbines in the coastal area of the Sea of Japan -Observation results of lightning for wind turbines at Nikaho Kougen Wind Farm from 2005 to 2008

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The characteristics of the winter lightning flashes to wind turbine have been observed at Nikaho Kougen Wind Farm in the coastal area of the Sea of Japan from 2005 to 2008. Many damages of the wind turbines in the costal area of the Sea of Japan due to the lightning strikes have been reported. The purpose of the observation is the clarification of the characteristics of the lightning flashes to the wind turbines for the protection of the wind turbines against the winter lightning strikes. We measured the current waveforms of the winter lightning flashes to the wind turbines with a wide frequency band rogowski coils. We got the current waveforms of 278 flashes. Median values of the peak, the charge transfer and the current duration of the winter lightning flashes are 3.71kA, 27.7 C, and 156 ms respectively. The maximum value of the charge transfer in the 278 flashes is 687 C. These parameters show that the flashes to the wind turbines is a typical upward lightning flash. We took the still photos showing the lightning flashes to the wind turbines. They show that the percentage of the upward flash is much larger than that of the downward flashes in winter lightning flashes. Furthermore, we found that more than 30% of the winter lightning flashes to the wind turbines are multi ground termination flashes.







三木 恵

電力技術研究所 雷・電磁環境領域

三木 貫

電力技術研究所 雷・電磁環境領域

和田 淳

電力技術研究所 雷・電磁環境領域

浅川 聡

電力技術研究所 雷・電磁環境領域

飛鳥 幸仁

(株)電源開発 事業エネルギー部 風力事業室 技術・発電グループ

本庄 暢之

(株)電源開発 事業エネルギー部 風力事業室 技術・発電グループ


風力発電設備 Wind turbine
冬季雷 Winter lightning
雷電流 Lightning current
放電電荷量 charge transfer
多地点同時雷撃 Multiple Ground Termination stroke
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry