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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Study of decision support programs for maintenance strategy of electric power equipment Part IV -Development for Over Head Transmission Line and Evaluation of Life Time Diagnosis Effect in Maintenance Strategy-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Both in electric power industry and demand side industry, the development of decision support tools for creating a maintenance strategy for electric power equipment based on asset management technique has become very intensive in recent years to reduce maintenance costs, and to make future expense in same level. Authors have developed such tools (GUI programs) for transformers, GCB (Gas insulated Circuit Breaker) and GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) by considering maintenance staff use. From the view point of asset management, there are several characteristics among several kinds of electric power equipments, so such support programs should be developed and adjusted for each characteristic of equipments. In this article, one new program based on the evaluation of the average annual maintenance cost is presented for over head power transmission line. It can take into account maintenance cost of equipments and renewal of parts, such as over head cables and other attached equipments.
In asset management of electric power equipments and in rational maintenance strategy, evaluation and effective utilization of diagnosis is very important. There are some researches about this evaluation, including certain merits and demerits. The diagnosis effect should be discussed by not only accuracy of diagnosis, but also distribution of life (trouble probability density). In order to examine their relationship, simplified evaluation model is proposed in this article.
For asset management support programs above mentioned, diagnosis effect (information of equipment condition) is simply implemented by three level classification of condition, and by correcting failure probability and maintenance cost characteristic.







高橋 紹大

電力技術研究所 高電圧・絶縁領域

倉石 隆志

電力技術研究所 高電圧・絶縁領域

岡本 達希

電力技術研究所 高電圧・絶縁領域

和多田 順三



アセットマネジメント asset management
支援プログラム support program
保守管理 maintenance
電力設備 electric power equipment
コスト評価 cost evaluation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry