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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Attachment processes of lightning flashes striking a 500kV transmission line in summer

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

It has been reported that there are many trips of electric power system due to lightning strokes. In particular, the number of lightning flashes striking transmission lines is large compared with the number estimated using the equation proposed by Armstrong&Whitehead (AW equation). AW equation is used to estimate lightning shielding failure rate in Japan. We observed the lightning flashes striking a 500 kV transmission line to clarify the mechanisms of the lightning shielding failure trip of transmission lines in summer. We used the ALPS, a high-speed digital camera, and a CCTV video camera to observe the attachment process of lightning strokes. Consequently, we obtained data of 4 flashes striking the transmission line and 3 flashes striking the ground. From these observation results, we evaluated the values of the striking distance. The measured values of the striking distance are smaller than that calculated by the AW equation.
Furthermore, we discuss the relationships between the lightning shielding failure characteristics of the transmission lines and lightning striking distance characteristics. Using AW equation, the lightning shielding failure trip rate does not increase with an increase of the height of the transmission line. However, using the other equations, which evaluate shorter striking distances than AW equation, the lightning shielding failure trip rate increases with an increase of height of transmission line. These mean that the influences of the height of the transmission line on the lightning shielding failure increase with a decrease of the striking distance. Thus, this suggests that the AW equation underestimate the lightning shielding failure rate of the transmission line accompanied with the tall transmission tower.







三木 恵

電力技術研究所 雷・電磁環境領域

三木 貫

電力技術研究所 雷・電磁環境領域

清水 雅仁

中部電力(株) 技術開発本部 電力技術研究所 送変電チーム


送電線 Transmission Line
遮へい失敗 Shielding failure
電気幾何学モデル Electro-geometrical model
雷撃距離 Lightning striking distance
LORP Lightning Outage Rate Program
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry