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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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若手従業員の危険感受性に関する検討 - 新入社員の危険感受性の特徴 -


A Study on Hazard Perception of Young Employees - Features of New Employees' Hazard Perception -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

前報にて作成した危険感受性測定手法を用い,新たに就職してくる若者の危険感受性の程度,ならびに危険源の認識に関する特徴を検討した。装置産業A社333名の新入社員を対象とし,比較として18名の同社社員(既就労者)も対象とした。測定の結果,新入社員は危険源の指摘率も危険源から想定される被害に関する正答率も低かった。一方,危険源認識に関して,① 既就労者はシーン全体の状況や環境に着目しているのに対し,新入社員では映像内で最も目立つ主人公の挙動や聴覚的に目立つものに着目している,② 大半の既就労者が気づいた危険源にすら気づかない者がいる,③ 指摘した危険源に対し既就労者より大きく被害を想定する時もある,等が示唆された。また,危険感受性得点の高低で新入社員を3群に分類し,危険感受性が低い者の特徴を検討した結果,①注意の偏りに関する指摘が多く,作業環境要因に関する指摘が少ない,②新入社員研修を担当した講師に実施させた各人の危険感受性に対する評価値も有意に低い,等が示唆された。

概要 (英文)

The decrease of young employees' hazard perception has become a problem at sites which are more hazardous toward work safety in Japan. Especially, there is a great deal of concern that recent young employees have poor hazard perceptions which are not dependent on work experience or knowledge, and then they are likely to work in an undesirable way without knowing. However, many previous researches have pointed out that recent young employees had poor hazard perceptions, no previous researches exist that measured their hazard perception quantitatively. Then the purpose of this study is to investigate the extent of the young employees' core hazard perception and the features of their hazard identification using the Hazard Detection and Imagination Test (HDIT) designed to measure the individual core hazard perception by the authors.
Three-hundreds and thirty-three new employees belonging to a utility company at current year participated in this study. As a comparison with their data, 18 employees who've belonged to the same company for several years also participated in.
As a result, new employees could identify fewer hazards in the firm and anticipate the unfortunate results incorrectly than senior employees. Also, the following results were obtained about the features of new employees' hazard identification: 1) new employees were focused on the action of the main figure or the big sounds in the film, on the other hand, senior employees were focused on the whole situation or the environment of the scene, 2) some new employees couldn't identify some hazards which almost all of senior employees could identify, and 3) new employees anticipated more serious results about identified hazards than senior employees.
Divided into 3groups by their hazard perception score, the features of new employees who had low hazard perceptions were examined. As results, the followings were obtained about the features of them: 1) they couldn't identify hazards and anticipate the effect of hazards, 2) they relatively couldn't identify some hazards which almost all of other groups could identify, 3) they were focused on the main figure's distraction, meanwhile other groups were focused on the environment in the workplace, and 4) their supervisors also recognized their hazard perception as low.
The future issues are to consider the improvement methods of their hazard perceptions.







廣瀬 文子

原子力技術研究所 ヒューマンファクター研究センター

武田 大介

原子力技術研究所 ヒューマンファクター研究センター


危険感受性 Hazard Perception
危険源 Hazard
若手従業員 young Employees
安全教育 Safety Education and Training
危険感受性測定手法 Hazard Detection and Imagination Test
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry