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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Modeling of char gasification reaction for O2-CO2 blown gasifier -proposal and verification of char gasification model for coexistence of CO2 and H2O-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

CRIEPI proposed the high efficient IGCC system with CO2 capture. It has a O2-CO2 blown gasifier. The gasification reaction is promoted by high partial pressure CO2 in this gasifier and a great improvement of the carbon conversion ratio is expected. CRIEPI has constructed CO2 gasification and H2O gasification reaction model respectively aiming at the design and the optimization of running of gasifiers. It is necessary to construct the char gasification model that can be applied under high partial pressure CO2 condition and the condition where CO2 gasification competes with H2O gasification for the O2-CO2 blown gasifier, because partial pressure of CO2 and also H2O are high in that gasifier. In addition, it is necessary to verify the validity of the char gasification model to a reaction field where the coal pyrolysis and the char gasification reaction progress at the same time like an actual gasification furnace. In this study, the char gasification reaction model that is able to be applied under high partial pressure CO2 condition and CO2/H2O coexistence was constructed. The proposed model can express the gasification reaction rate in CO2/H2O coexistence of the coal type that was not expressed by past models. Moreover, coal gasification experiment was conducted by PDTF. High CO2 partial pressure caused high carbon conversion ratio. The char gasification reaction model expressed accurately the experimental result in a reactive field where the coal pyrolysis and the char gasification reaction progress at the same time.







梅本 賢

エネルギー技術研究所 高効率発電領域

梶谷 史朗

エネルギー技術研究所 高効率発電領域

張 岩

エネルギー技術研究所 高効率発電領域

原 三郎

エネルギー技術研究所 高効率発電領域


石炭ガス化複合発電 IGCC
CO2回収貯留 CCS
石炭ガス化 coal gasification
チャーガス化反応速度 char gasification reaction rate
L-H型反応モデル Langmuir-Hinshelwood type model
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry