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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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ガスタービン膜冷却翼における熱流動解析性能の評価 -レイノルズ平均型乱流モデルによる熱伝達推定-


Assessment of CFD performance for film cooled Gas Turbine Blade -Heat Transfer Prediction by RANS turbulence modeling-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

ガスタービンの高効率化に向け、高温化に伴うタービン翼に対する膜冷却の適用が進んでいる。タービン翼の耐久性評価には、高速のガス流における多くの運転条件に対して翼温度分布を把握する必要があるため、時間平均の乱流に関する数値計算(RANS解析)を用いて対流伝熱量が推定される。しかし、高温・高圧の過酷な環境にある実機タービンでは信頼性の高い計測が困難であること、膜冷却の適用のため熱流動状態は複雑化していることから、数値計算の妥当性は明らかにされていなかった。本報告では、Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics(ベルギー)における実機相当の流動条件による高速風洞試験に対して、3種類のRANS乱流モデル、SSTモデル、k-kl-omegaモデル、T-SSTモデルによる解析を行い、実機翼解析の指標となる計算事例を示すとともに、翼面熱伝達率他の推定精度を評価した。その結果、SSTモデルおよびk-kl-omegaモデルによる翼面平均熱伝達率は、吹出比により変化する試験結果によく一致し、翼断面平均温度に基づく翼の耐久性評価には有効であることがわかった。さらに、熱伝達率分布については、いずれのモデルも定量的な一致には至らず現状のRANS解析性能の限界が示唆されたが、T-SSTモデルはk-kl-omegaモデルに比べて試験結果と定性的に同様の分布を推定でき、他乱流モデルに比較して翼の熱応力・ひずみ分布を良好に評価可能であることが示唆された。

概要 (英文)

The application of film-cooling technology on gas turbine blades is progressing in power generation plants increasing thermal efficiency by rising the turbine inlet gas temperature. The temperature field across a cooled turbine blade has a definite impact on its durability. Accordingly, a critical issue for the durability assessment of the gas turbine is the evaluation of the convective heat transfer on the film-cooled turbine blade. CFD calculations by solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS calculations) are usually applied into industrial solution to the heat transfer estimation of the cooled blade, because the CFD is to obtain time-averaged characteristics and the changing trends depending on a number of operating conditions. However, it is difficult for the present instrumentation techniques to perform accurate measurements of the blade film cooling in the real gas turbine under operation. Therefore, the RANS calculations of the film-cooled turbine blade have not been adequately validated by comparison with the measurements. The performance assessment in the development of RANS modeling is definitely required to support the industrial solution to the durability of the blade. This report focuses on the assessment of the RANS calculations for a film-cooled turbine blade. In the present work, three RANS based on the eddy viscosity concept, the SST two-equation model, the k-kl-omega three equation model, the transition SST four-equation model, are respectively applied for the prediction of the blade heat transfer. The performance of those RANS calculations was validated by means of sets of heat transfer measurements performed in high speed wind tunnel tests conducted in the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), which simulated operating conditions close to ones on the actual gas turbine. The VKI LS94 cooled blade is employed in the measurements, which is equipped with two rows of film cooling holes both on the suction and pressure sides. The calculation by using the transition SST model and the k-kl-omega three equation model present good performance for estimation of blade averaged heat transfer varying with the blowing ratio. On the other hand, the capability of those turbulence models show limitations in quantitative evaluation of heat transfer coefficient distribution. The transition SST model shows a comparatively better performance than the other models for the evaluation of heat transfer distribution.







高橋 俊彦

エネルギー技術研究所 高効率発電領域

Arts, Tony

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

Verstraete, Tom

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics


ガスタービン翼 Gas turbine blade
膜冷却 Film cooling
熱伝達 Heat transfer
熱流動解析 Computational fluid dynamics
高速風洞試験 High speed wind tunnel test
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry