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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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The Activiy of the Ulsan Fault System based on Marine Terrace Age Study at the Southeastern part of Korean Peninsula

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

韓国慶州北方から蔚山市にかけて北北西―南南東方向に50kmの長さで分布する蔚山断層の活動性評価を行った。活層性評価を実施するに当たって重要となる段丘の年代は、広域火山灰を用いて検討を行った。(1) 空中写真判読によって韓半島南東海岸沿いの段丘分布図を作成した,その結果,広く分布する段丘が3段,小規模に分布する段丘が数段認められ、上記3段の段丘は低位よりMIS5e,7,9の時代に形成されたことを明らかにした。(2) 陸域の蔚山断層に沿って空中写真判読を実施し,リニアメント分布図を作成した.リニアメントの分布の形状から3つの断層系に分割できる可能性を示した.(3) 蔚山断層の走向はほぼ北北西ー南南東で,同断層は大部分の地域では東側の山地と西側の平地の境界に分布し,東側の山地を形成する逆断層である.(4) 断層露頭の調査やトレンチ調査を実施し,二箇所で最新活動年代を明らかにした.北部の葛谷里においては,2,840-1,440年前,中部の開谷里では7,470-2,290年前に最新活動があったことが明らかになった.この間の王山地域では7000年前以降活動していないことも明らかにされた.(5) 蔚山断層の鉛直変位の平均変位速度は段丘の形成年代と変位量の関係から北部から南部までの数箇所で求められた.その結果によれば,1000年当たり数cmから20cmの範囲に入る,この値はわが国のB級の下位からC級の活動度に対応する.

概要 (英文)

The activity evaluation of the Ulsan fault system(UFS) based on marine terrace age study in the southeastern part of Korean peninsula has been carried out.(1)The marine terrace distribution map along the southeastern coast of Korean peninsula has been distributed three wide terraces and several sub terrace. The age of the above three terraces are determined by the discovery of wide tephras to be MIS5e,7 and 9 from the lowest, respectively.(2) The active fault map along UFS was constructed. There will be the possibility that the UFS will be divided three segments by the feature of lineaments.(3)The fault bounds between mountain at the eastern side, and plain at the western side in the most part of fault. It is interpreted that the UFS builds up the eastern mountain as a reverse movement fault. The latest activity of this fault system was clarified at the two localities by outcrop and trench investigation. The latest activity at Galgok-ri located in the northern part of the fault was occurred between 2,840 and 1440 yBP. It was found to be between 7,470 and 2,990 yBP at Gaegok-ri, located in the central part of the fault. The latest activity at the Wangsan, which is between Galgok-ri and Gaegok-ri, was older than 7,000 yBP. The latest activity of the UFS differs between studied points.(4)The vertical slip rate of the UFS was calculated from the amount of vertical deformation and the age of terraces. Its range was between several cm to 20cm in the 1000 years. This value corresponds to lower B to C class activity defined in Japan.







井上 大榮


Choi Weon Hack

韓国電力研究院(KEPRI) Site Assessement Group


蔚山断層 Ulsan Fault
海成段丘 Marine Terrace
活断層 Active Fault
セグメンテーション Segmentation
広域テフラ Wide tephra
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry