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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Wind tunnel experiment on velocity fluctuations characteristics of a strong wind in the atmospheric surface layer

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

A wind-tunnel experiment was carried out to investigate the turbulence characteristics in the neutral surface layer under the influence of larger-scale disturbances, which often exist in the atmosphere. The disturbance, the scale of which is much larger than that of boundary layer shear turbulence, was generated by using an active turbulence grid installed at the upwind of the test section. The logarithmic layer of the boundary layer fully developed along a smooth flat surface was examined. The vertical profiles of turbulence statistics and spectra of velocity fluctuations agreed with the observations. Then, the effects of the larger-scale disturbance on turbulence characteristics were clarified by comparison with the experiment without a larger-scale disturbance; the larger-scale disturbance mainly affected the streamwise-velocity fluctuation and also coherence motions. These also revealed that the logarithmic layer with the larger-scale disturbance has a multi-layer structure, which corresponds to recent observations, i.e., the lower and upper sub-layer are controlled by sweep- and ejection-like events, respectively, also suggesting that the turbulence structure in the surface layer is mainly controlled by the top-down fluid motions. The mean velocity gradient and the Reynolds shear stress are, however, independent of the disturbance, and the eddy viscosity used in numerical weather models does not change so much with the larger-scale disturbance. Consequently, we found that a numerical weather model with large eddy simulation used with very fine resolution is more suitable rather than computational fluid dynamic models with boundary conditions including larger-scale disturbance to predict turbulence statistics in the near-neutral surface layer.







服部 康男

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

須藤 仁

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

平口 博丸

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

杉本 聡一郎

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

田中 伸和



大気接地層 Atmospheric surface layer
風洞実験 Wind tunnel experiment
乱流 Turbulence
大規模擾乱 Large scale disturbance
組織構造 Coherence structure
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry