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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




太陽光発電のための日射量予測手法の開発(その1) -気象予測・解析システムNuWFASによる翌日の予測精度の評価-


Development of a solar radiation forecasting method for PV systems (Part 1) - Evaluation of the accuracy of next day forecast by the Numerical Weather Forecasting and Analysis System (NuWFAS) -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

It is known that photovoltaics (PV) systems are unstable energy sources affected by the fluctuations of solar radiation. Therefore, forecast information on the expected power production is very useful for efficient use of the solar power and for management of the electricity grids. The purpose of this study is to detect the appropriate numerical conditions of the Numerical Weather Forecasting and Analysis System (NuWFAS), for next day forecast of solar radiation.
Numerical simulations (for 4 days in summer and 4 days in winter) are carried out with alternative sub-models of five cloud microphysics and three solar radiation, and with two different number of atmospheric layers and three different solar radiation time step. The numerical results of solar radiation at the ground are compared with observed data in Kanto plain, Japan.
It is found that the forecast accuracies are obviously improved by increasing the number of atmospheric layers in the model. In addition, by using more complicated cloud physics and smaller solar radiation time step, forecast errors can be reduced about 25%, and the effect of error reduction is evidently found in cloudy conditions.







田村 英寿

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

平口 博丸

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

橋本 篤

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

西澤 慶一

環境科学研究所 大気・海洋環境領域

和田 浩治

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

豊田 康嗣

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

野村 光春

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域


太陽光発電 Photovoltaics
日射量 Solar radiation
メソスケール気象モデル Mesoscale meteorological model
気象予測 Weather forecasting
雲量 Cloudiness
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry