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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Literature review of scour and sediment deposition under complex flow fields around river structures

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

This literature review focuses on scour or sediment deposition under complex flow fields around river structures. First of all, we classified river structures into 4 types according to their shape and reviewed the relevant studies on scour or sediment deposition around its structure type. Next, we reviewed the movable bed models of scour and sediment deposition. Especially, we mentioned the limitation of the use of sand particles, and thus surveyed the examples of the use of lightweight particles substituting for sand particles. Also, we reviewed the state of the art technologies of laboratory experiment to measure flow fields and bed deformations. Then, we reviewed 9 three-dimensional numerical simulations for flow and sediment transport. Through whole literature reviews, 3 unresolved issues were abstracted: (1) little is known about the influence of hydraulic conditions, bed material properties, and structure shapes on scour and sediment deposition around structures with opening such as water intake gate or sediment release gate, although this kinds of structure are often used at hydropower facilities; (2) it is not clear to what extent the weight and diameter of lightweight particles influence on the result of the movable bed model; (3) the method to estimate bed shear stress and sediment entrainment rate in three-dimensional numerical simulations under complex flow fields has been poorly understood. Solving these unresolved issues may allow movable bed models and numerical simulations to increase the accuracy and may contribute to the optimization of water intake and sediment releasing.







太田 一行

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

佐藤 隆宏

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

木原 直人

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域


複雑流況 Complex flow field
洗掘 Scour
堆砂 Sediment deposition
移動床実験 Movable bed model
数値解析 Numerical simulation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry