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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of a simple device for observing snow accretion by using a short dummy conductor supported by wire ropes

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

For prevention of damages of overhead transmission lines and their short circuit accidents due to heavy snow accretion on overhead wires, it is necessary to obtain quantitative data related to snow accretion on the wires by field observation and to make clear its mechanism and occurrence conditions. However, it is not easy to observe snow accretion on overhead wires at a height of several tens of meters from the ground under severe snow and wind conditions.
In this report, we newly proposed a simplified device for obtaining data of snow accretion on overhead wires. The device consists of load cells and a short dummy conductor whose each end is supported by a fine stranded wire rope of stainless steel. A cylindrical snow sleeve accompanied with conductor rotation, which is similar to that at the middle of an actual span of a few hundreds of meters, can form on the dummy conductor when the device is subjected to natural snow fall. The supporting mechanics of the dummy conductor is very simple and is easy to make and maintain when used for field observation. Torsional rigidity of the support is widely adjustable by choosing length and diameter of supporting wires. It is easy to observe a rotation angle of the conductor and geometry of accreted snow from the axial direction. Furthermore, we proposed an additional mechanism to remove the initial eccentricity of dummy conductor to realize smooth rotation of dummy conductor in proportion to torque arising from eccentric load of snow accretion.







西原 崇

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

松宮 央登

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

麻生 照雄

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域

金谷 勝

地球工学研究所 流体科学領域


架空送電線路 Overhead transmission line
着雪 Snow accretion
簡易観測装置 Simplified observation device
模擬電線 Dummy conductor
ワイヤ支持 Wire rope support
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry