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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Attenuation characteristics of seismic motion based on earthquake observation records Part 5 -Attenuation measurement of rock core by using ultrasonic pulse for clarification of additional attenuation effect in near-surface rock-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The objective of our study was to clarify an applicability of ultrasonic measurements for estimating attenuation (damping factor) of rock core samples, and to address a quantitative evaluation of additional damping effect induced from heterogeneity of fractured rock.An applicability investigation of ultrasonic measurements for estimating damping factor was conducted d by adopting two techniques, namely the pulse rise time technique used a time width of initial pulse of transmitted ultrasonic wave through a rock core sample and the spectral ratio technique used a spectral ratio between different samples. As a result, from the ultrasonic measurements of four granite samples at test site, we obtained the almost same average rock damping factors of 0.012 (Qs=43) by the pulse rise time technique and of 0.015 (Qs=36) by the spectral ratio technique, which suggested that the difference between the techniques for estimating damping factor from ultrasonic measurements is small. We showed that the difference of estimated damping factors between rock samples from the pulse rise time technique was less than the one from the spectral ratio technique, and recommended the pulse rise time technique as the robust technique. From the comparison of damping factors of granite rock at test site from ultrasonic measurements with ones from borehole recordings, it was demonstrated that the damping factor from borehole recordings was larger (damping factor of about 0.02) than the one from the laboratory measurements using unfractured rock, and we suggested that the difference of estimated damping factor of rock by different method was caused from the existence of rock heterogeneity and fracture. Furthermore, we addressed a quantitative evaluation of additional damping effect induced from heterogeneity of fractured rock on a site factor by using 1D heterogeneous model considering the statistical properties of heterogeneity determined from the borehole velocity-log at test site. As a result, the additional damping effect by 1D heterogeneous model on calculated site response transfer function was estimated as the damping factor of about 0.02, which was in good agreement with the difference of estimated damping factors between by using ultrasonic measurement and by using borehole recording.







佐藤 浩章

地球工学研究所 地震工学領域

岡田 哲実

地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター

栗山 雅之

地球工学研究所 地震工学領域


減衰 Attenuation
岩盤 Rock ground
超音波 Ultrasonic wave
不均質 Heterogeneity
地盤増幅特性 Site amplification
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry