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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of technique to analyze the degradation state of lithium-ion battery (III)- Proposal of method to separate cathode capacity of active material in cathode mixture -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

There are commercial lithium-ion batteries using the cathode mixture of different crystal structures such as spinel and layer compounds. It's important for precise evaluation of the capacity ratio of active materials in the cathode mixture after charge-discharge in the case of different cathode degradation mechanism. In this report, a method was proposed to estimate the capacity ratio of active materials in the cathode mixture. Some cathode mixtures were prepared to estimate additive property to calculate the cathode cell capacity in the cathode mixtures using the weight ratios and cathode cell capacities of single active material. The additive property was confirmed to compare the measured capacities in the mixtures and calculated capacities using weight ratios and the capacities of single active materials. Next, the cell capacities were differentiated by voltage, and the differentiated curves (dQ/dV) were obtained to understand easily as the cathode mixture. The dQ/dV curves of cathode mixtures were mostly coincident with the sum calculated from the dQ/dV curves of single active materials and weight ratios. The method was proposed to estimate the dQ/dV curves of one active material focused on the characteristic curve. There was a peak of the active material not to overlap the peaks of the other active material. The method was successful to separate the cell capacities of each active material.







小林 剛

材料科学研究所 エネルギー変換・貯蔵材料領域

庄野 久実

材料科学研究所 エネルギー変換・貯蔵材料領域

小林 陽

材料科学研究所 エネルギー変換・貯蔵材料領域

宮代 一

材料科学研究所 エネルギー変換・貯蔵材料領域

三田 裕一

材料科学研究所 エネルギー変換・貯蔵材料領域

大野 泰孝

株式会社 電力テクノシステムズ


リチウムイオン電池 Lithium-ion battery
正極活物質 Cathode active material
複合正極 Cathode mixture
混合物の容量分離 Capacity separation of mixture
定量化手法 Quantification method
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry