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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Application of Void Growth Simulation Method for 12Cr Steel Longitudinal Weldments

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Domestic ultra-super-critical (USC) plants make up more than half of total electricity. For that reason, high-chromium steels containing 9% or 12% of chromium are used as boiler materials because of excellent high-temperature strength. Recently, Type IV damages occurred in the heat affected zone (HAZ) of weldments of high-chromium steel pipes are seen as a serious problem because those are the reason for life reduction of welded pipes and it is strongly desired to develop a highly accurate damage assessment method for the welded pipes. A creep damage assessment method or a void growth simulation for 9Cr steel welded pipes have already been developed based on the results of internal pressure creep tests and finite element analyses assuming plant operating conditions. Then, the simulation method was modified for 12Cr steel welded pipes in this study. At first, an automatic void detection method for creep voids from microscopic photos was developed based on the image data processing techniques in order to reduce the effort of void detection. Then, a creep analysis by finite element method was performed for interrupted internal pressure creep test specimens consisting of base metal, weld metal, and HAZ. As a result, it was shown that the position of crack initiation in HAZ corresponded with that of the maximum circumferential stress and multi-axiality factor. Finally, a void growth simulation whose parameters were optimized for 12Cr HAZ was carried out based on the results of the creep analysis. Consequently, it was shown that the simulation reproduced the void density distribution in HAZ measured by the automatic void detection method.







酒井 高行

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域

屋口 正次

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域

星野 克明

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域

長井 誠示

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域


12Cr鋼製長手溶接継手材 12Cr Steel Longitudinal Weldments
タイプIV損傷 Type IV Damage
内圧クリープ Internal Pressure Creep
クリープ解析 Creep Analysis
ボイド成長シミュレーション Void Growth Simulation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry