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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




都市交通手段分担影響要因の分析とライトレールトランジット導入時の課題 -京都市をモデルとして-


Analysis on Level of Service Factors Affecting Share of Urban Transportation Modes and Subjects for Introducing Light Rail Transit - Case Study in Kyoto -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In order to make clear the relation of modal split among railways, buses and motor vehicles to service levels, parameters were estimated by multiple regression analyses for Kyoto. Several factors were selected as explanatory variables, such as times required, access and egress times, concentration of railway stations or bus stops, operation intervals, traveling expenses, and traveling distances, and analyses were conducted using the aggregate logit model. As a result, traveling expenses, concentration of railway stations or bus stops, and times required by motor vehicles were estimated to be statistically significant, but numbers of tranfers between trains or buses and times required by trains were not statistically significant. Analytical results indicate that the relatively expensive fees required to transfer trains between different sectors may result in persons avoiding selection of railway transportation. Estimated values of the share of transportation modes for each city, ward and town were within 5% of actual values, and reproducibility was confirmed. Results of this analysis indicate that integration of transport policy is required between railways and road traffic. A supplemental or connective role with existing railway systems may be essential in introducing LRT. Also, adjustment or regulation of fares, such as a zone charge system or a common charge system among public transportation including buses, would be disirable. In order to improve environmental issues toward achieving sustainable cities, integration of transport policy including charge systems would be necessary to facilitate a shift of traffic demand from cars to public transportation so that each mode would take its appropriate part in urban transportation.







須永 孝隆



都市交通計画 Urban Transport Planning
交通手段分担 Modal Sprit
交通需要マネジメント Transportation Demand Management
ライトレールトランジット Light Rail Transit
地球温暖化 Global Warming
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry