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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




熱・水を考慮したHLW処分施設の長期安定性に関する数値解析的検討 --岩盤・緩衝材の長期変形,熱・水の輸送に対する個別解析--


Numerical analysis for long-term stability of HLW disposal facility considering thermal and hydraulic effect -Uncoupled analysis for long-term deformation of rock and buffer material and for transport of heat and water-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

For the early realization of HLW geological repository and for its rational and economical design and safety assessment, it is important to evaluate the stability of repository facilities in deep underground, where high temperature, earth pressure and underground water flow affect the stability. This report discusses the numerical approaches that are useful for attaining these objectives. One of the efficient approaches is to develop models capable of simulating coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (T-H-M) processes. Several T-H-M coupled simulation codes have been proposed and the international cooperative research project DECOVALEX has been held from 1991 in order to develop and validate the T-H-M coupled simulations. But mechanical models adopted in these simulation codes are too simple to be applied to the evaluation of long-term interaction of materials that show nonlinear mechanical behavior (especially in the case that surrounding rock is soft sedimentary rock). Before simulating the long-term and coupled phenomena, uncoupled simulations for four phenomena (creep behavior of surrounding rock mass, consolidation and deformation behavior of buffer material, transport of water, and transport of heat) are conducted using various parameters and boundary condition sets. From the results of those simulations, following conclusions are obtained: (1) swelling property of buffer material is important to evaluate mechanical behavior of barrier materials, (2) hydraulic properties of natural barrier can be more important than that of buffer material because suction effect of buffer material is so strong that transport of water in the buffer material is fast, (3) change of thermal properties and filling of gaps caused by water saturation of buffer material have a strong effect on the temperature field. On the next stage, we will develop a T-H-M coupled simulation code to evaluate the mechanical interaction between barrier materials based on the above study.







澤田 昌孝


岡田 哲実


長谷川 琢磨



高レベル放射性廃棄物処分 high-level nuclear waste disposal
クリープ挙動 creep behavior
緩衝材 buffer materical
力学的相互作用 mechanical interaction
連成解析 coupled analysis
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry