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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Cases and measures of caddisfly settlement damages at hydroelectric power plants

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Caddisflies settling on the wall in power plant waterway cause to decrease power generation efficiency. The damage by the caddisfly settlement had been investigated in the 1960's actively. However, few investigations have been reported since 1980's. Ecology of caddisflies in the waterway has not yet been clear, so effective control methods have not been established. Therefore, to develop efficient control methods against caddisfly settlement on the hydroelectric power plant waterway wall, we surveyed documents, and investigated current states and measures of damages at the power plants. Fifty-six documents concerning caddisfly ecology and past damages in hydroelectric power plant were found. Hearings were also done to four hydroelectric power plants in which damage by caddisflies were reported. According to the document published in 1975, 188 power plants in Japan had damaged by caddisfly settlement. Most of them were conduit type power plants, into which caddisfly’s larvae flowed easily from the upstream. Four power plants where we did hearing were also all conduit type, and a decrease of the power generation output has occurred from spring to early autumn. The season coincided with that of hatch and oviposition in the caddisflies. Species of problem caddisflies were in the genus Hydropsyche. These species build nests with net on the waterway wall to capture food in water. It was reported that five species of caddisfly larvae settled to the waterway wall, and H. orientalis and H. setensis were dominant in these. The main method for controlling caddisflies has been physical scrape from the wall. The work has been done usually by human power for a long time, but now, two power plants adopt a scraping machine to reduce the human's work. Introductions of natural enemy for caddisfly lavae, electric shock, and antifouling paint were examined as measures for controlling the caddisfly. But these methods had some problems as follows, the amount of water to exterminate larvae was too enormous, it was difficult to paint the antifoulant on the waterway wall in short period, and it was possible that toxic chemical substances flow out to the river water from the antifouling paint. Here, we propose a plan to investigate settlement season of the problem caddisflies. If a waterway is cleaned when number of inflow and settlement of the larvae decrease after the peak, power generation efficiency will be maintained at high level for a long period. For development of effective control method against sessile caddisflies, it is important to determine the seasonal variation of larval settlement on the waterway wall.







藤永 愛


坂口 勇



付着生物 sessile organisms
汚損対策 antifouling methods
水力発電所 hydroelectric power plants
水生昆虫 aquatic insects
トビケラ caddisfly
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry