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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Microbial community analysis around test cavern of the sub-surface LLW disposal

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

界面活性剤、タンパク消化酵素及び物理的破砕などを組み合わせた9種類の方法により、岩石試料中からのDNA抽出を試みた。その結果、全ての岩石試料から0.9~14.7μg/g-wet rockのDNAが抽出され、岩石中における微生物の存在が明らかとなった。また、抽出効率を比較検討した結果、主に界面活性剤による細胞溶解処理を行う市販キット(MO BIO製)とビーズ攪拌による破砕装置を組み合わせた方法を用いた場合に、岩石からの微生物DNA回収率及び純度ともに最も良好な結果が得られた。

概要 (英文)

Nowadays, it is expected that low level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal depository could be built at 50-100m sub-surface in Rokkasho, Japan. Sub-surface rock is geologically thought to play an important role as a natural barrier for decreasing the migration of radioactive waste around the underground facilities, because of its reductive conditions. In such sub-surface environments, microorganisms are known to be widely distributed and have some biochemical activities that may affect the natural barrier for LLW disposal. Therefore, to estimate the safe maintainability of LLW repositories or the potential mobility of radionuclides within LLW repositories, it is necessary to investigate the geochemical and microbial influences in sub-surface environments, focusing on the redox conditions. As investigations of microoaganisms in the test cavern of the sub-surface LLW disposal, Rokkasho, JAPAN are not performed yet, Here in this report, we analyzed the microbial communities in the rocks representing different redox potentials by molecular biological techniques.
Microbial community analysis was performed using rocks having geochemically different characters as pumiceous tuff/ conglomerate or redox conditions. The results are as follows;
1.Extraction of genomic DNAs from rocks
An effective method for genomic DNAs extraction was developed. Rocks were crashed by bead-beater, and DNAs were extracted using commercially available DNA extraction kit (Mobio co.). By this methods, 0.9-14.7ug/g-wet rocks of microbial DNAs were extracted. This confirms that microorganisms exist in the rocks of the test cavern.
2.Microbial community analysis
By random cloning analysis, 22-30 kinds of microorganisms with various phylogenecity were detected as alpha, beta, or gamma-proteobacteria. Some of them were identified as anaerobic microbes including denitrifying or iron reducing bacteria. On the basis of a proportion of phylogenetic classification, it was suggested that proportions of the obligately anaerobic bacteria was higher in reduced-condition rock than oxidized one, while proportions of the aerobic bacteria was higher in oxidized -condition rock than reduced one. This suggested that proportion of anaerobic/aerobic bacteria was correlated to the redox condition of rocks.
In this report, we clarified that a variety of bacteria do exist in the rocks of the test cavern of the sub-surface LLW disposal, Rokkasho, JAPAN. Furthermore, microbial community, specially the proportion of anaerobic bacteria, would be related to redox condition of rocks. To clarify the microbial influences to redox conditions of rocks, it is necessary to investigate microbial activities.







吉田 直樹

環境科学研究所 バイオテクノロジー領域

長岡 亨

環境科学研究所 バイオテクノロジー領域

大山 隆弘

地球工学研究所 地圏科学領域


低レベル放射性廃棄物 LLW disposal
酸化還元電位 redox potential
微生物群集 microbial community
余裕深度処分 sub-surface disposal
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry