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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development and application of evaluation method for collection efficiency of oil-mist at ventilation hood in commercial kitchen

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The purpose of this study is to develop the evaluation method for collection efficiency of oil-mist at commercial kitchen hood. Also the possibility to apply the developed method for the evaluation of collection efficiency of oil-mist at the test hood was evaluated. (1)Inner wall of hood, (2)duct inlet, (3)inner wall of duct, (4)duct exhaust and (5)deposit to the ground were selected as the samples for evaluation of collection efficiency of oil-mist at kitchen hood. Then the sampling, pretreatment and analytical method was established as each sample. As a result, tracer particles of oil-mist were analyzed quantitatively for each sample using the established method without any external contamination and sample loss. The established method was applied to the evaluation of collection efficiency of tracer particles of oil-mist at the test hood, resulting that the distribution of tracers to the inner wall of hood, inner wall of duct and the deposit to the ground was at most 0.2% as against the total generation. Accordingly these three sampling ports were considered to be possible to omit as the sampling target. In addition, it was clarified that 95% of collection efficiency to the generation was achieved using metal filter and activated carbon filter as the adsorbent at duct inlet and activated carbon adsorbent as sampling at duct exhaust. As described above, the established method was concluded to be suitable for the evaluation of the collection efficiency of oil-mist at commercial kitchen hood.







田中 伸幸

環境科学研究所 環境化学領域

津崎 昌東

環境科学研究所 環境化学領域


業務用厨房 Commercial kitchen
トレーサ粒子 Tracer particles
捕集率 Collection efficiency
オイルミスト Oil-mist
排気フード Ventilation hood
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry